Chapter 3; Not the friends I wanted.

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300 years later

Jack was sitting on a fence in front of the Bennett's household, while Jamie and his friends were leaving the yard. "Jamie!" his mother called walking up to her son, he groaned. "Hat, we don't want Jack Frost nipping at your nose." She put his hat on his head. "Who's 'Jack Frost?" Jamie asked, "No one, honey he's just a figure of speech." Mrs. Bennett answered as she walked past Jack. "I'm a GIRL!" Jack shouted, "And I am not a figure of speech!" she knew that this woman couldn't see or hear her. Jack also knew that stories could be change over the years, but it was still rude because who changed her story that much!? Jack stood up, "I'll show you a 'figure of speech!'" she said to herself out loud as she made a snowball and blew some magic on it, then threw it at Jamie. She played with all of the children but mostly Jamie. She decided that it might be fun if he sledded down the road on ice. "Hey look a tooth!" Jamie excitedly said as he stood up after being hit by a couch that fell out of a moving truck, Jamie and his friends started walking away, Jack quickly followed them and landed in front of them.

"What does a lady have to do to get noticed around here?" she asked holding her hand out for Jamie, so she could get a low five but like always she was invisible, and the boy walked right through her. She flew off making a little flurry of snow. "It's snowing!" one of the children said, at least the kids were happy.

She returned to her home by the pond sadly, she was used to being invisible, but that didn't mean it still didn't hurt. She was tired of being alone and not having someone to talk to. "Why won't you tell me why I'm here?" she asked the moon for the...well she lost track of how many times she asked that question and like always the moon never answered. "Fine if you won't answer me, could you at least send me a friend or anyone who will see me?" she felt like crying. Was that too much to ask, she's been alone for 300 years with nobody, sure she crossed paths with the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Sandman and the little tooth fairies, heck even the Boogeyman, but they were all too busy to talk to her or have some fun. Not that she wanted to hang out with Bunny, because they didn't get along but still Jack wanted somebody, anybody!

She sat in one of the trees by the frozen pond, watching the people walk by it. She watched the couples' holding hands and looking into each other's eyes with a look she longed for, a look that she never saw herself having. She shook her head and looked at her staff that she held close. "Twinetender, I'm glad that you're here." She smiled at it, apart from or Twiner for short, she would talk to the leaves and animals who would all talk back. She just wished that she could have a person to talk to, but never thought that she ever would. She pulled her knees up to her chest and cried into them as the sun went behind the trees. This wasn't fair, why didn't she have anyone? Why couldn't anyone see her? Even though sometimes she felt like she was being watched, she chocked it up to just her having an overactive imagination. That, and her desire to be seen, that made her feel that way. "Please...I believe...I believe...I believe..." she muttered over and over again; she didn't know where these words came from, but they have been in her head for as long as she could remember. She was unaware of the shadowy figure hidden in the shadows keeping a close eye on the younger spirit like he had always done. Pitch was watching, heartbroken, as Jack cried. The moon had hurt her for the last time, and the Boogeyman would take her away from her loneliness and keep her safe, but he needed more power to make sure that no harm would come to her. "It's going to be alright, my darling. I'll make the pain go away real soon." He promised then disappeared.

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