Eyes On Me

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And I can't trust anything now. - TS

"Hey, we should get going. It's Saturday, so we can go to the markets." Scarlett offered the idea, not a date, but definitely not a normal hang out. "I have some of your clothes in my closet if you need to change, okay?"

Arthur sighed– he tried to think of a reason to stay in, but there really was no proper reply. "Fine, yeah."

Before Scarlett could tell him anything else, her phone buzzed, and it buzzed, and it buzzed until she answered the call. "Yes?"

"Where are you?"

"At home, why?"

"Is Spoon with you?"


"Because if he's not, I think he's missing."

"He's here."

Arthur had finally gotten up– he moved behind Scarlett and held onto her waist, "I don't wanna go yet."

Scarlett laughed, her hands went up to his hair; she loved when it was just them and he was clingy, but she was still on the phone with Mickey.

"How long has this been going on then?"

"I don't know what you mean." Scarlett deadpanned– her neck was exposed for Arthur, which he took full advantage of. He left soft kisses up and down the side of her neck.

"You need to come over. Now. with Spoon. We all need to talk."

Scarlett sighed, half from the sensation of Arthur on her skin, half from the annoyance Mickey was being. "Okay, okay. We're on the way."

Mickey hung up the phone and after some convincing, she finally got Arthur out the door and in the car. "C'mon, we gotta go." The destination, Mickey's house, wasn't that far away. Scarlett kept her playlist going in the background as she drove– she kept her eyes on the road and Arthur kept his eyes on her.

"Did he say why he wanted to see us?"

Scarlett shook her head– "no, but I know why."

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