Here For You (Huskerdust)

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It had been a long day for Angel Dust, he had been doing shoots for the past 12 hours and Val was only now letting him go.

He was slowly limping back to the Hotel, his legs were sore. Who was he kidding? Everything was sore. He was used to it though, this happened almost every day.

Val would get mad.

Val would hit Angel.

Every fucking day.

Angel was tired of it, tired of the abuse, tired of the pain, tired of Valentino. But there was no way he could escape. Valentino owned his soul. And it was all Angel's fault. It was his fault his life was so shitty. No. Life wasn't shitty. He had the Hotel. He had friends. He had Fat Nuggets. He had Husk. Right?

He thought he saw something scurry past him. Nah, he was just high as shit. He had to be. How else could he take the pain? 

He noticed a taxi, raising one of his arms to call for it and using another to wipe the tears from his eyes. Why the fuck was he crying? It hadn't been a particularly hard day for him. Sure, he had a black eye and a probably sprained ankle, but that was part of the job.

The taxi stopped in front of him and he let himself in.

"To the Hazbin Hotel" Angel said weakly, he couldn't be bothered to actually speak up. The driver glared at him from the front seat, rolling her eyes as she started the route there. The entire ride, all Angel could think of was how he fucked up. Why the fuck had he sold his soul to Val? It was all his fault. All his fault. He fucked up. He was nothing but a drug addict. A sex addict. A whore. A slut. He fucked up and he knew it.

He slowly got out of the taxi, handing the driver some money. He didn't care how much it was. Angel limped through the door to the Hotel, not bothering to say anything to his favorite bartender and going straight for his room.


Husk noticed Angel limp through the door, he looked like he was in pain. But when the cat demon turned around to give Angel his drink, the spider was nowhere to be seen. Shit. Husk rolled his eyes as he made his way towards Angel's room.

"Hey bud" He whispered, leaning against his friends door. No answer. Just silence. "You there Legs?" He asked again, knocking on the door this time.

There was a response this time, a gruffled, "Go the fuck away" Followed by a pig whimpering. 

"I just wanna talk" Husk rolled his eyes again. "What did Val do this time?" He asked, genuinely concerned for his friends well-being, even if it didn't sound that way.

No response, just more pig whimpering. What the fuck was going on? Husk knew Angel could be stubborn, but he was never this bad. 

The door cracked open, startling Husk. Angel peered his fluffy head through the door to look at him.

Husk's heart sank. Angel would often come back bruised, sporting a black eye or some shit. But no, today he looked like actual shit. His hair was a mess, he had several small, fresh bruises, and a large cut above his left eye.

"You look like shit." Husk remarked, he usually said this when Angel got back from a rough day, but he meant it this time. He did look like shit. And Husk's heart hurt because of it. 

The spider demon simply rolled his eyes "No shit, dumbass." 

Husk sighed, moving closer to Angel so he could see him better. "I mean it this time asshole" He sounded a lot more concerned than he intended to.

"Ya, ya, ya, Ima fuckin' mess. I fuckin' know bitch." Angel was getting defensive again. "Why wouldn't I know? It's my fuckin' fault I'm in this shitty situation." Angel reached an arm up to wipe the tears off his face.

Husk simply opened his arms, offering the spider a hug, which Angel gladly accepted. 

"Why am I such a fuckin' mess Husky?" Angel whimpered, burrowing his face into the cats fur. "Why'd I have to go and fuck up?"

"Shhh" Husk shushed him, fully embracing him as he patted his back. Husk was not used to this comforting people shit. "You might be a mess, but it ain't your fault Legs" He assured him. "Any bad thing that comes out of your relationship with Val is his fault."

"Shit" Angel was now full on bawling his eyes out, clutching onto Husk's fur, "I didn't mean to make ya cry" 

Angel let go of the hug, pulling apart to look into Husk's eyes, still crying, "Nah, it ain't you" He whispered, "I just really needed to hear that, thanks Whiskers."

Husk rolled his eyes at the nickname, "Yeah, yeah, whatever" He scoffed, not wanting to get too emotional, "Just remember, I'm always here for you" 

"That sounded awful cheesy comin' from ya"

"Shut the fuck up" 

"Don't tell me what to do"

Husk only chuckled in response, brushing off Angel's comment. Maybe his afterlife wasn't so terrible if he had Angel in it.

A/N: Please recommend me more ships and stuff. Also, happy birthday to our favorite Spider boi, Angel Dust!

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