Chapter 28

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Oh my god.... it's happening ...he's asking shocked....i can't even...i need to answer.....

I stood there in tears. I couldn't breathe right or talk. so I forced myself to nod my head and scream "Yes Austin Mahone!" He smiled and put the gorgeous ring on my finger and picked me up and spinned me around.

"I love you so much!" He said into my neck
"I love you more!"

He turns to the crowd and screams "she said yes!!" Everyone vegans to,cheer and the party begins


My mom was at the party and so was my sisters. they was so happy for me and Austin. I was too. and the ring looks amazing it looks like a million bucks! I hope he didn't spend a million bucks on me...

"Laurenn it's gettin late wanna head home??" My fiancé asked while hugging me. "yes please I'm getting pretty tired"

"Bye mom I love you bye you guys.!" I waved and gave my mom and sisters a hug and my niece and nephew.

When we got home no lights were on. I switched it on and seen a big rose petal heart. I smiled and looked at Austin who had wine and wine glasses. "a gift for the bridge to be" I kissed his cheek and went to the rose petals. I love him so much. he's so romantic. momma raised him right.

"Your amazing Mahone. I can't wait till I'm married to you."

"Good cause I want you to be Mrs. Mahone as soon as possible" I smiled and I smiled back.

"Where do you wanna get married" I asked him.

"Wherever you want. it's your wedding too. I'll get everything and do my part. where do you wanna have it?." I smiled & thought....

"I want it under those trees like from avatar?" He laughed and nodded. I got up on my knees and lean on my feet. " i Want it under those on a beatiful sunset beach. I want the color theme to be red and white." I smiled knowing he'd like that and he just listened " I wanna see the beautiful sun sparkle of the ocean and dolphins splashing.. I want your music playing and... I want pretty light and delicious food served and..... " I stopped...I was sure I was saying to much and I began talking fast and doing hand motions

But he didn't say,anything...he just stared and smiled...finally I asked. 

"Is that okay? What do you want?" He was still smiling. never stopped.

"I want to see you walk down that isle, as happy as you can be. that's what I want, to see you in that beautiful dress, to see those happy tears in your eyes. I wanna hear you say I do. I wanna have our first dance as husband  and wife together....." he looked into my eyes." and I want nothing more than to lve the rest of my life with you." I tear escaped.

"And that's what you'll get, and I'll give you so much more. I'll make you happy I promise." I hugged him while tears stained my cheeks.

"Princess you already make the happiest I'll ever be.. you complete my life."

"And you complete mine." he pulls away and kissed my forehead,

"Come baby, let's go to bed.. we have a lot to do tomorrow." I nod and he picks me up before I could get up bridal style. I giggle and give him a kiss.

"Remember your promise??" I asked.

"Of course, I promise for you to be mine forever.. and that I'd never give up on us.."

"You kept your promise" I smiled up at him. And he just kissed me. The most passionate kiss we've had...

This has to be the most perfect life.
Sneaking back stage was the best thing I ever did... I met the love of my life.. I met Austin Mahone.


Boom Book 1 done should I make a sequel????????? comments babezzz

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