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My eyes follow her as she makes her way to her locker, her head looks up locking her eyes to mine
I quickly look away, turning back into my locker
God I'm so awkward...
Should I............I should probably introduce myself I mean I want to make a good impression on the captain

I don't know how they do introductions in Spain I hope handshakes aren't odd here...... should I go for a hug instead.....
I start making my way to her locker with my arm out stretched for a handshake, " hi it's very nice to meet you I'm Sydney from" she harshly interrupts me her eyes not leaving her locker like I'm not even here right in front of her
"I know who you are and where you're from but I don't know why you're here exactly." She says getting up and leaving out the door

She leaves me frozen in place
" jeez Syd already pissed off the captain." I say to myself facepalming
I make my way to training I see Keira waiting for me
"Took you long enough" I scoff, as we start walking on to the pitch
"Oh I see that you met La Reina."
"I don't know if you would call that meeting her."
"What do you mean" she asked
" I don't know... never mind"
"Oh okay, hey before I forget the girls are going out tonight for a team dinner you're invited if you want to go."
"Yeah that sounds like fun..but I don't have a car yet sooooo"
"Okay send me your address and I'll pick you up"
"Yaaaaa thanks Keira I can't wait" I say running onto the pitch

As I walk out of the tunnel to the training pitch I feel it,
That spark

I make my way on the pitch as lean down and touch the blades of grass taking the blades in between my fingers, "please be good to me" I say under my breath, god I hope no one saw me do that
I then look up to make sure no one saw me just talk to the grass.....my eyes start tracking down all the girls and their little groups when my gaze finally makes a stop

Alexia is standing on the other side of the pitch talking with Jona
I'm to far away to hear anything like I'd understand anyways but there's a lot of hand movement going on mmmm

"Hey" Lucy suddenly says making me fall over
"Didn't mean to scare you Syd what are you so focused on anyway" Lucy says looking where my eye just were
"Mmm I see" Lucy says helping me up
"See what"
"Nah it's nothing"
Jona then yells something in Spanish
"What did he say" I ask Lucy
"You're gonna need to learn Spanish by the way but until then just follow me"
I follow Lucy to the middle of the pitch as the other girls are closing in

Jona is talking in the middle of the circle we've created around him
I can make out a word here and there but honestly I'm not picking up a thing
I just look at Lucy as she's focused on Jona
Once he's done she turns to me and explains the warmup drill that we're doing

The warmup drill we did was a lot of fun it made me realize how much I've missed having fun at training, that's was training should be in my opinion, training used to be fun at city until the new coach arrived he made the training like psychological torture
I memory then pops into my mind
We were practicing corner kicks I get the ball and beat my defender as a shoot......my foot caught under the ball as my shot goes over the goal
"Fuck" I saw leaning on my knees
" What was that Sydney" my coach asks
"It came of my foot wrong" I reply
"Is that a excuse" he asks getting closing to me
"No here let's go again" I offer
"No no you just made an excuse" he says getting in my face
"No I didn't I said what happened"
"Oh so you're calling me a liar then I'm your coach you don't question me or call me a liar for that you've got conditioning for the rest of practice go"

Lucy then stops next to me taking me out of my head
The drill ends and we're sent for a water break
As we're drinking Jona starts talking again this time he has paper and is reading out names..... I'm not that dumb I can tell we're scrimmaging I then turn to Lucy
"What are we doing"
"Seven vs seven, you're on my team"
I follow Lucy to the pack of players huddling up
Its me Lucy, Aitana, Mariona, Marta, Caroline, and Panos not mentioning the subs
Were all giving a jersey to put on to distinguish us from the other team
I turn my head to see who we're going against
They got Cata, Mapi, Ingrid, ona, Keira, Frido, and Alexia
Jona then yells out something that all the girls have a bad reaction to
"What did he say" I ask Lucy
"Losers have to run"
"Great" I reply we're not losing so it doesn't really matter
Jona then takes out a coin flipping it then points to Alexias team
We all get in position
Alexia grabs the ball placing it down
Jona blows his whistle, in response Alexia kicks the ball towards her team
It starts off pretty timid for us as they regained possession for the first couple of minutes
I'm more or less just watching the pace of the other team, watching how they pass and were their eyes go before they pass
I start making little adjustments to my game as I'm watching them try to attack
A bad pass ends up to Lucy as she controls it then passes back to panos
Panos reads the field as she passes the ball to Marta who lays it to aitana
Aitana runs up the middle as multiple defenders crash in on her, Mapi has me marked as I find the gap Aitana sees the opening
I see the ball fly over Mapis head as I quicking break away
Gathering the ball it's only me a Cata now
I make a quick touch before shooting
Cata flys the other direction as the ball hits the back of the net

My team claps and celebrates as they regroup
As I'm running back I run by Alexia, her eyes lock on to mine
She looks mad
I quickly glance away, I still feel her eyes on me as I run farther away towards my team

After my first goal I can tell Alexia is mad she playing with a different pace than before
They win a corner Mapi takes
Their all in the box lined up getting ready to head the ball in
I'm behind Alexia as a I see the ball lope in
She opens up squaring with the goal before jumping and getting trying to get her head on the ball, I jump in response but I'm to late
I see the ball flying in as Alexia makes contact
she follows through swinging her elbow behind catching me right in the ribs knocking the air out of me
I instantly go down
I then hear her team start to celebrate
As I'm laying on the ground gasping for air trying get my breathe back Alexia bends down next to me, "your soft and I'm going to prove it" she threatens patting my back making it look like she's apologizing
She then makes her way over to her team

I finally am able to breathe again as I get up grabbing my side, "fucking bitch" I mumble to my self looking at her walking away

Jona then blows the whistle
"That's enough for today, no winners no losers, great first practice of the season you've got tomorrow off get some rest" he said in English which I'm glad because I think Lucy is getting annoyed with me

All the other girls make their way inside but I trail back a bit finally taking a seat on one of the drink coolers
I take a deep breath as I take in the view of the training ground and the Barcelona sky beats Manchester that's for sure
As I'm watching the sprinklers turn on watering the now empty pitch
I get up following the path of the girls just minutes before

I make my way into the locker room as I pass by some of the girls leaving I wave bye as I enter
I don't see anyone else in here
I walk over to my locker sitting down huffing
Thinking back on practice and the whole day really their was just one thing on my mind

Why did I do to Alexia Putellas

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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