Chapter 4

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"No way! Really?" I sit up, excited.

"Dead serious." Riley chuckles.

"Prove it" I challenge.

"Here?" He looks around.

As a thank you for helping me change my tyre, I decided to buy Riley a meal. The plan was to grab a quick bite and skeddadle, but the food was too delicious and I was exhausted from waiting for Riley to finish changing my tyre, so I thought I'd sit down and enjoy the pleasant weather a little longer. Turns out he goes to the same university as me. Engineering department actually. He's a freshman though.

"Yeah. Why? Are you shy?" I tease.

"Fine." Riley chuckles. He gets up from his seat, slowly lifting the bottom hem of his shirt. My eyes trail up his stomach all the way up to his ribs.

"Wow. You weren't kidding." I say, eyes wide.


"How can someone be born without a belly button?" I was genuinely confused.

"Well it's a-" was the only thing he could let out before he gets cut off.

"What do we have here?" the familiar voice instantly makes me feel nauseous.

Riley quickly lowers his shirt, his cheeks turning red.

"Hey" Lucas greets us from behind Aiden, a sullen look on his face.

"That was quite the show" Aiden walks up to us. His hands were stuffed into his pant pockets and he had a cocky smile on his face. "Fai, I didn't know you were into men." He winks at me, smirking.

"I'm sorry, what?" I stand up, my jaw clenching.

"Aiden" Lucas grabs his friend's shoulder. "Let's just go."

"What? I'm just chatting with" Aiden turns to look at Riley. The brunette had a confused look on his face, inadvertently staring at Aiden before realising that all eyes were on him.

"Oh yeah, um, it's Riley" he babbles.

"Riiiley" Aiden drags the 'I', narrowing his eyes. He extends his hand out for Riley to shake, putting on a fake smile. The atmosphere was tense. The brunette hesitates before taking Aiden's hands into his.

"Hi, I'm Aiden" Aiden nods before firmly shaking Riley's hand. His eyes darts towards me, then back to Riley before finally settling on me.

"Nice Fai, you're the bottom." He says, a smug look on his face.

"Romano, I swear to god" I warn, grabbing Aiden by his collar.

What's his problem? I had tried so hard to stay away from this fuckwad for the last few days and call me crazy, but now that football was involved, a part of me thought Aiden would actually back off from this fued for the sake of his career. I guess that was a dumb thought because here he was, standing in front of me with a condescending look on his face, interrupting a perfectly pleasant dinner.

"No it's nothing like that" Riley says with a concerned look on his face. "We just met."

"Is there a problem here?" One of the waiters approaches our table.

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