Chapter 8

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"You're so full of yourself" Fai spits. "I'm not here for you, it's you who can't seem to stay away from me. Hiding out here isn't going to help, Romano. Our families are intertwined, so you need to be able to stay away from me, even when you're around me. As simple as that."

"I don't know what you're talking about" I say, uninterested in bringing this topic up. "Just stop talking."

I know that I'm perfectly capable of staying away from him. It's not my fault that he keeps giving me chances to mess with him.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" he argues. "It's like you're following me around, waiting for the perfect opportunity to fuck me over. Even with our careers on the line, you still don't seem to care. You're obsessive" he yells that last part in my face.

"You won't shut up, will you?" I yell back, scanning the garden until my eyes land on a bush of roses. The gardener had just finished watering all the plants, so the ground beneath was soft and muddy. With one swift movement, I grab a handful of wet soil, my eyes narrowing at him. "Fine, I'll make you."

"What the fuck are you doing? Get away from me, you freak!" Fai exclaims, his voice tinged with alarm as realizes what I'm about to do. He attempts to flee, but his efforts render futile as I close the distance between us.


I hurl the mud directly at him, the moist soil smacking him right across his face. He desperately tries to wipe the dirt off his eyes, struggling to see through the mess. I couldn't help but laugh at his muck covered visage; he looked like he face planted on some shit. Fai's focus, however, was not on his face, but on the few drops of mud splattered across his t-shirt.

"You bitch, this is Prada!!!" he bellows before lunging towards me. He buries his face into my shirt, rubbing the dirt all over it. I yank on his hair to pry his stupid face off my chest, succeeding momentarily, until he grabs some mud and flings it at my face. I dodge it, the sludge splattering onto my shoulders instead.

"Don't wanna ruin your shirt, princess?" I taunt, grabbing another chunk of dirt. "Don't worry, I've got you covered" I smirk, slipping it into his shirt and onto his bare chest instead.

"Eww, something's crawling on me!" Fai shrieks, frantically removing his shirt to reveal his lean, yet surprisingly toned, torso. The countless hours he'd
spent in the pool clearly paid off. He looked significantly different since the last time I saw him, his body, now rippling with muscles.

Even though I hate his guts, I couldn't help but admire his transformation. His dedication to training was undeniable. After all, he is the captain. I find myself involuntarily staring, forcing myself to bring my focus back to his grimacing face.

"I can feel something crawling!" he continues to scream, dashing towards the hose near the fountain. Unbeknownst to him, the tap to control it was right next to me.

"How do you turn this thing on?" His eyes scan around. I gently twist the tap open for him, the water surging forth. Fai immediately springs into action, directing the water to his chest before quickly washing the dirt off. Nearly done, he suddenly finds the water cut off, the flow abruptly ceasing.

"Huh?" He lets out, a confused look on his face. He shakes the hose in vain, hoping it would somehow revive the water flow. He holds it up to his face, peering directly into the nozzle. With one swift twist, I crack the tap to a full, sending water directly onto his face, drenching him head to toe.

"Son of a-" his exclamation drowns out as he accidentally swallows the water. "Bitch!" he finishes, spitting out some of the water before dropping the hose on the ground, storming towards me.

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