chapter II - 3 weeks in

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It had only been 3 weeks, but Wyona and Matthew were already close. Every day Matthew spent more and more time talking to Wyona, they had most of their classes together and since it was nearing the end of their senior year, they got to sit together. The best part of his day quickly became talking to Wyona, not soccer practice or seeing Chase or his friends or even Lacey. Matthew wanted to see Wyona.
Even though she was only 17, she had amazing stories, and Matthew simply adored her stories. She told him of living in Australia and Thailand and many, many other wonderful stories. In the middle of English Literature she asked him something;
"Hey, Matthew, can I ask you something?" She said in her quiet, mysterious and undeniably sexy voice, Wyona didn't even have to try, she was extraordinary.
Upon hearing her ask him, he nearly jumped. Of course she could ask him something, she could ask him anything, he could talk to her forever...
"Why are you friends with those people? I mean, the 'Populars', they are so awful to everyone, even you... I don't get it." She sighed.
"Well, it's not that simple... I mean I have to be their friends, I can't be unpopular..."
"You're kidding right? It's not like that." She stood up raising her arms, he could see her stomach from under her shirt, she was sexy. "God, I can't believe you! There is more to life than popularity!" She cried. "Wow, Matthew, I thought you were different, but I was wrong."
And with that, the fuming Wyona stormed out.
"Jesus fuck, Wyona... Come back!" He shouted, the library, which was usually calm and quiet after school, was tense.
Matthews good friend Hunter walked over, "Um, Matthew... What just happened there? Who the hell is Wyona? And you totally blew Lacey off dude, she's pissed, what is wrong with you?!" He yelled, "Lacey is hot dude, and she's popular... You're twice as popular with her. Stop complaining." He snapped.
"Maybe I don't care about that stuff anymore..." And with that, Matthew Way was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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