Chapter 1 - The Request

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The crisp air stung my lungs as I took in a heavy breath. Winter was almost here, the cruelest weather of them all. I held a rose the color of crimson blood to my chest as I stared down at the headstone. I put a single rose down and held my cloak tighter to my body as I tried to keep the cold from seeping in. I sucked in a breath. "I will have my revenge."

I heard padded footsteps from behind me, I didn't have to turn around to guess who it was, my tone took a cold edge, "What are you doing here?"

I could almost hear the smirk in his voice, "I have a favor to ask of you."

Of course, he was always asking for a favor, "Who do you want me to kill this time?"

"Who said I wanted you to kill someone?"

"I'm no fool, Theron, you wouldn't come to me if you didn't want someone dead,"

"Smart Princess."

"Don't call me that, I discarded that title a long time ago. Stop dragging this conversation out and tell me who the target is," I said irritably, my patience was wearing thin.

"He goes by the name of Cullen, super rich and influential, I want him dead by the end of the month. You got it, Princess?"

My jaw ticked at his nickname for me, "It's Tori, not Princess, get it through your useless head. Now leave, unless you have other business."

"Am I forbidden to pay respect to the dead?" The snake hissed.

"What respect do you have toward the dead? Leave me alone." I turned my focus to the name engraved in the familiar stone as the rain began to pick up.

I felt Theron's eyes watching me, it was clear we were never on good terms. Only using each other to our advantage, I just need to figure out his drive for my services. Hatred filled my every limb as I recalled the night my family was heartlessly torn from this world. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I grabbed it and pulled it over my head and slammed them against the ground in front of me. Theron smiled, "Just making sure you're still trained."

"Don't tempt me, you will end up dead. I won't stop myself next time." I warned him, then walked away.

I treaded through the mud, I went to my shack. It's the only place Theron doesn't know I go. It's my home until I regain my kingdom.

I started gathering as much information I could find about Cullen. This guy didn't seem like he was capable of doing much harm. He was relatively thin, but his servants were many, he had about 20 bodyguards. But they aren't much of a threat, they've never seen anyone like me. I had to strike soon. Theron was smart enough to assign my task at the start of the month. It doesn't happen often, so something about this guy will make my task difficult.

The next day, I got up early and went for a friendly walk in Cullen's neighborhood. His house was easily identified, it was the biggest in the neighborhood. His driveway was massive and his garden was bigger. The path that Cullen would walk regularly went close to the side I stood on. I smiled as I thought about how easy it would be to take out my target.

I walked to his door and knocked, I put on the most real smile I could force. A butler answered the door, "Yes?"

"Can I speak with Cullen?" I asked.

"It's Mr. Anderson to you, what's your business with him?" His voice was monotone and he sounded like he felt like he was superior to me, which I was used to, but he's going to be a small character in my silent game.

"I'm a relative of his, my parents had a terrible accident and I was sent here to discuss his portion of the will with him." I replied.

Cullen appeared on a staircase behind the butler, "Let her in, I've got time to discuss a will."

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