The Best Stress Reliever

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A/N: I'll start adding music that inspire chapters in my books, occasionally. I recommend listening while you read to experience the Feels♥️

I get home from work at 4:30 and make a quick lunch.

I'm giddy with excitement, as I toss all the ingredients to make a sandwich onto my countertop and grab a knife.

I'm going next door to Bill's after he gets home in about an hour or two.

The time can't pass fast enough, but I know I'll have to get myself together and pack an overnight bag before I head over there.

Bill and I have this little relationship that's lasted over two years. He moved to my city of Phoenix after his divorce and we got aquatinted by accident.

The most embarrassing accident at that.

But, it worked out in the end. Him and I have a very intimate relationship that's not only helped him get over his ex; but also helped me get over my own heartbreak.

I guess you could say we kinda used each other to get over our past. But, in doing that, we discovered something magical between us and it's wonderful.

I'm really sprung over this man and it's not just because his dick game is out of this world.

I bite into my little club sandwich and hum appreciatively. I was starving and this sandwich is hitting!

I take another bite, before cleaning up and putting things away. Walking over to the pantry, I grab a small bag of spicy Doritos and a water to go with my sandwich.

I make myself a cup of ice and before I pour myself some water, my phone rings.

Quickly rummaging through my purse, I find it and smile at Bill's name flashing over my screen.

"You home?" He asks and I can hear the fatigue and stress in his voice.

"Mhm. I just got back." I say, as I drink my water.

"Ok. I'm pulling into the driveway right now to change out of this suit and then go to pick up Addy." I hear the sound of him removing his keys from the ignition and opening his car door.

"Ok. I'm gonna shower and grab my stuff."

"Cool. I'll leave the door unlocked, so just come in and I'll see you when I get back."

"Ok. Is something wrong?" I ask, softly and Bill sighs.

"It's nothing for you to worry about."

"Well, I do worry."

"Well, hurry and get over here. I need you, Baby. Bad." The neediness in his voice makes my insides swirl, dangerously.

"I'll be right there. Love you."

"I love you, too."

I smile and hang up.

I hurriedly finish my lunch and put my phone on the charger, before bolting to my bedroom to shower. I'm going to try to get to Bill before he leaves.

I've been eagerly counting the hours til we'd be together and now that it's almost time, I'm bursting at the seams to be in his strong arms again.

After taking longer in the shower than I intended, I dry off and lather shea butter lotion all over my body.

The hot water from the shower soothed my tired muscles and calmed my mind. I don't need to rush, a little more time apart won't kill either of us.

Plus, I want to look and smell good when I see my man and that takes time.

Whether I'm meeting my man or spending all day at home, self care is Everything to me. I love pampering myself and taking my time will only make Bill and I more passionate when we finally meet.

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