For The Lover In You

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Tabitha POV

Bill was serious about me making up for being away for a whole month. There wasn't a time of the day when I wasn't stuffed full of him and I loved every second of our sexing.

We experimented with different toys and sexual positions. We even had sex in the car at a drive in movie spot.

Thankfully, Bill's ex-wife took care Adilyn most of the time. But, it's only because Addy is starting kindergarten next month.

Bill and Amina had an agreement that before Adylin started school, she would have Addy most of the time.

It worked out well for us, since Bill has been so needy.

I'm currently coming back from my run and I hear rock music coming from the basement.

I gulp down some water and make my way downstairs, where the music of Black Sabbath gets louder and louder.

Once I've descended to the bottom of the stairs, I'm confronted with the most sexy view.

Bill is lifting weights and sweat glistens on his body, as he lifts each weight. Bill is shirtless, which allows me to admire his toned and rippling torso.

His arms bulge more than usual. The weights making his biceps appear more prominent and the veins in his forearms are visible beneath his pale skin.

Taking a deep breath, I walk into the makeshift weight room and sit on the workout bench across the room. Bill notices movement from the corner of his eye and looks over at me.

He smiles, sets down his weights and walks over to me.

I watch as he unscrews the cap from his water bottle and takes a long drink from it. Some of the water misses his mouth and trickles down his chin to his neck. Those small droplets then travel down his chest and I take a deep breath and look away.

"How was your run?" He asks and I clear my throat.

"Ahem, it was...good. Cardio is a staple for any workout."

"I have to agree with you, there. I actually have a favorite when it comes to cardio."


"Mhm. If you want, I can show you." The suggestive tone in his voice makes me tingle all over.

Bill sets down his water bottle and grabs my hands to help me up. He tilts my head up and kisses me, softly.

I lean into the kiss and grip his arms. Bill grabs my ass and lifts me into his arms.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, he carries toward this contraption he uses to do pull ups and smiles at me.

I give him a skeptical look and his soulful green eyes sparkle with excitement.

"What are you thinking?" I ask.

"I'm just hoping you have good upper body strength. I wanna try something."

I look at the black bar in front of me and grab onto it.

"You got a good grip?" He asks.

I nod and Bill let's me go.

I smile and lock my ankles together, as I bring my knees up.

Bill smiles and drops his shorts, making me gasp. His girthy length hangs hard and heavy against his thighs. The curve promises to reach a part deep inside me that will make me scream.

"You can scream as loud as you want, today. I'm gonna fuck you so hard." Bill whispers, as he grabs the hair at the nape of my neck.

I stare into his big green eyes and seductively run my tongue over my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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