chapter 2

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Living with my boyfriend at the time was great I never had Independence like that before. I became like a second mom to his two kids. I eventually quit my job and got another one in the area where I currently lived at that time. It was great I was done in time to get dinner on. I was the perfect girlfriend. Then my boyfriend asked for me to start swinging with him. I was uncomfortable with the situation but I've always been a people pleaser my entire life. So I decided to try it out I was not a fan. I was always taught that sleeping with other people was considered cheating. But we went to clubs for swinging and we met some great people. But the lifestyle wasn't for me and I tried telling him that and he wasn't happy with it. One weekend I had off from work and my boyfriend's half-brother and his wife and their daughter wanted to come and visit for the weekend. I thought it would be a normal visit. But it wasn't after all the kids went to sleep we started drinking alcohol. And my boyfriend at the time pulled me aside and said I want you to have sex with my half brother while I have sex with his wife. I was drunk and I got upset because I couldn't leave I didn't want to do it but I felt like I had no choice. No matter how many times I said no it didn't matter to him. So essentially I was raped by my boyfriend's half-brother. This isn't the only time that it happens it happens a few more times. Meanwhile my boyfriend sleeps with his half brother's wife. I felt as if I had no say in what happens to my body. A few months go by where nothing else happens. Until I was driving his family around all day and I was exhausted from driving. Me being the only person with a valid driver's license. My boyfriend took over the wheel and he crashed my car before he even left his sister's driveway. Of course we got it fixed it was covered somehow even though it was technically my fault. We were turning out of a driveway and this guy was on his phone ran a red light and hit us. My parents weren't too happy about it. My job was not happy about me not being able to go to work the next day. Since I was having a hard time getting a car to rent while my car was in the shop. I put my two weeks in a day after being emotional and not in my right mind. I know when I leave a job I should always have one backup. But I didn't do it this time. My boyfriend finally got a good job. He was making more than me and I could afford to stay home. Which originally was my dream. So I left my job to become a stay-at-home mom of his two kids. But my depression hit hard. All I wanted to do was sleep when the kids weren't home. Because my boyfriend would be sleeping. He worked the night shift which became hard. One day he was off from work and he had a conversation with me and asked me if he could get a gun. I said no because of his children and I also was terrified of guns. He argued with me saying it was his money and he can spend it how he wants. I agreed with him but I told him I would rather be safe and that if he wanted it gone then he had to get a gun safe first. I went grocery shopping the next morning and when I came home I saw a gun in his hand. I was furious and I asked him who took him to get a gun knowing that I was against it. The one person I thought would never do that was actually the one that took him which was his mother.  He eventually left that job and went to work at another place and then he left that place after a few weeks and then he got another job. With him working this job that he just got I would have to babysit my neighbor's kids along with his kids and I would have to get them on the bus for school every morning during the week. One of the first days I was watching them all I was with them at the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive. Now what I didn't mention before is that one of the children was autistic. Nothing against autistic children but it's something that you have to know because what happens next is hard to hear. I was standing outside with them at the bus stop when all of a sudden the autistic child tackled me to the ground. Then her older sister sat on me so I couldn't get up. The one person who should have helped me out of all the girls which was my boyfriend's daughter started attacking me too. She continuously punched my stomach over and over and over again. My boyfriend's son wasn't paying attention but when he finally saw what was happening he pulled them off of me. I was a wreck once they got on the bus. That had never happened to me before. And I couldn't understand what was going on. All I kept saying to myself was why would they do that. So when they all came home from school I tried to keep my distance but also made sure I took care of them. Once they came and picked up their kids and left the house I turned to my boyfriend and I told him what happened. My boyfriend was angry at what happened. The reason this part is very important is because this is the first time I see him hurt his child. He yells upstairs for his daughter to come downstairs. He asks her why did she let them hurt me and why did she join in. She didn't know what to say she was only five. At first she said she thought it was funny. And then she apologized to me. My boyfriend put her over his knee and spanked her 10 times at least. She ran upstairs crying afterwards. My boyfriend then hugged me and said I'm sorry this happened to you. He then got up off the couch and walked over to my neighbor's house and told them what happened. He came back home and said they would talk to me tomorrow and that they apologize in advance. We had a nice quiet evening and then we all went to bed. We got up the next day and the kids were at the door and we all sat down and watched movies until it was time for them to go to school. Their parents apologized to me and said that they handled it with their kids and that it shouldn't happen again. It never did happen again.

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