Before summer

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Tw talk of depression and eating disorders

The school year that year was hell for lucy mae.

She had fallen off this pedestal she had for herself. She really fell apart. She had gotten perfect grades, perfect attendance for her whole life but this year she fell apart. She was failing classes missing days at a time when she was there she really wasn't. For months no one really noticed. Belly and Taylor thought she was ignoring them so they started avoiding her. Her dad works late and is never home. She went days without eating. No one seemed to notice or care. Until she missed two weeks of school in a row.

Lucy had basically been in bed for days; she got up to pee every few hours that was it. On the tenth day of her not showing up to school there was a knock at her apartment door. Of course she went to open even though she looked gross her hair was a mess. She hadn't showered and there were bags under her eyes because she hadn't slept well in days. She opened the door to a guy she's known since she was a little girl, Steven conklin. "Lucy...?" Steven said, looking at the disheveled girl standing in front of him. "Steven? What are you doing here?" she asked "lucy. You haven't been to school in a week, you haven't texted me, I was worried about you." he yelled. "Well I'm just fine" she said fake smiling. "Lucy for the first 9 school years you barely missed any school now you're missing all the time." he said concerned. She stared at him for a minute unsure how to convince him she was fine. "Lucy. talk to me, I know somethings wrong." he begged her. "steven... " she said trailing off.
"Let me in at least?" he asked. She sighed and let him in.
He gave her a look that just made her break inside. She hadn't realized anyone truly cared.
They both sat on her couch Lucy was just staring at the ground. 
"Luc?" he said softly.
The girl looked up at him with tears streaming down her face.
He grabbed both of her hands in his.
"You have known me since you were 2 years old, you know you can tell me anything." he told her
The girl was hesitant. "I've just been sad. I haven't been eating that often. I just go to school, sleep and cry." she said, her voice shaking.
"I think there's something wrong with me. I just can't be happy no matter how hard I try." she cried.
"How long has this been happening?" he asked.
"A few months..." she said trailing off
"Lucy, why didn't you tell me sooner I could've helped." he said softly, remaining calm. "I didn't tell anyone steven, not that i had anyone other than you to tell." she said. "That's not true, what about belly or taylor?" he said. "Steven, I haven't talked to either of them in months." she said. "What? Why?" he said, shocked. "I just stopped talking to them as much as i used to because of everything i guess they took it the wrong way and well now they hate me." she said.
"Well now you can explain it to them right?" he said
"Appsolutely not. Other than you and maybe your mom and Susannah I don't want anyone else to ever know." she said
"Lucy, it's not something to be ashamed of," he said. "Promise me you wont tell anyone not belly not taylor not jeremiah and especially not conrad" she pleaded. "Of course, but I think you should." he said.
"Well I don't." she stated
They hugged for a while and then Steven left. 

A few hours later Lucy got a phone call from susannah.
"Hi sweetie" Susannah said "hi susannah." lucy said
They had a long talk about everything that's been going on with lucy.

After a few months of weekly therapy sessions and antidepressants she was more herself than she had been in months she was eating more normally. She still hasn't told anyone other than steven susannah and laurel. She still hasn't talked to belly or taylor or even jeremiah or conrad. She had no idea how any of them felt about her, well she knew taylor and belly hated her but she didn't know how conrad or jeremiah felt.
It was almost summer time now. She was spending the whole summer at Susannah's beach house in cousins.
She hadn't seen Conrad in a year.

Tyyy for reading I hope you like ittt
Don't worry belly and Taylor and Lucy make up soon

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