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I woke to the sun beaming through the thin makeshift tent. A hand caressed my shoulder and moved to play with my hair. I was laying on someone and I hadn't a clue who.

Okay who was I kidding. I obviously knew who it was. "Morning," Bellamy mumbled into my hair. I felt like screaming. I can't believe I did this! If Murphy ever finds out... I don't what to think of the outcome.

I jerk my body away from him, pulling the covers over my exposed skin. I looked at him and I wanted to scream at him. I wanted to hit him. To do something. I can't believe I let this happen. I'm a terrible person.

"Oh come on, last night was the best sex of your life. Admit it." He smirked sitting up and kissing my bare shoulder. I jumped up and picked up my clothes and quickly got dressed. "Are you going to ignore me?" He snapped standing up. I covered my eyes at the sight of him. "It didn't bother you last night." He growled stepping closer to me.

"I wasn't thinking straight. I was upset. Vulnerable." I tried to reason with myself. "It meant nothing." I started for the opening. Bellamy quickly buttoned his pants and grabbed my arm tightly.

"You can't say that. It meant something. Not just to me, but you too. You felt it too." Rage was exploding in his eyes. I feared he might actually hurt me. And he did. He threw me to the ground and stood over me. "You loved the way I touched you. The way my lips kissed every inch of your body." He said as he got to his knees and pinned my hands over my head.

"There's one thing wrong with the way you kissed me." I spat out. He loosened his hip on my wrists. "You never kissed me. Only my body parts. That's the difference between you and Murphy. He's better at it then you."

Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Maybe I hurt his feeling or hit a nerve, because a hot searing pain came from my cheek. I felt like I would cry but I don't want to give him the satisfaction. I glared at him and brought my knee up and hit him in the balls.

He let me go and rolled off of me, cupping his boyhood. He was crouched on his knees and I took this opportunity and kneed him in the face. I gripped his hair and watched the blood drain from his nose. "Don't ever fucking hit me again." I shoved his head back and walked out.

Clarke ran up to me and looked terrified. "Wells is dead. And they found this." She opened her hand and showed me a severed finger. "And this..." she opened her other hand and showed me a makeshift knife.

"Okay?" I was confused. Why was she telling me this? I had imagined it wasn't a grounder that would kill Wells. But why did she show me the finger and knife. She sighed and showed me the etching on it. J.M. John Murphy. "I don't believe it. Someone else had to of done it."

"All the clues point to him." She said sadly and patted my shoulder. "I need to tell Bellamy." She stepped around me and walked to the tent.

"No!" I shocked her. "I mean, he's still sleeping. Why wake him? It'll still be here in an hour right?"

"But Murphy might not me." She eyed me. "You might warn him."

"I'll stick with you the whole hour. How bout that?" She sighed. "Thanks." I patted her shoulder. "What are we doing?"

"Well... I don't really have any other plans." She said as we walked away from the tent to the Drop Ship. Jasper sat swinging his legs and chatting with Monty. "Boys," she addressed them.

"Hi Clarke. Lilith." Monty smiled. Jasper looked at me confused. "Lilith, Jasper. Jasper, Lilith."

I realized that I knew unconscious Jasper. Not the bright eyed boy that sits on the table swinging his legs. I walked ice rand shock his clammy hand. "Nice to meet ya, Lilith."

"You too Jasper." I smiled. The four of us talked for an hour until Clarke couldn't take it any more and went to talk to Bellamy, who was surprisingly still in his tent.

"Bellamy look what someone found." Clarke said walking in on topless Bellamy. I stood at the door awkwardly. She shows him the finger and the knife. He looked at me and smirked.

"Looks like your little boyfriend is a murderer." Bellamy was all to halt about this. "Guess we'll have to give him what for?"

"No. We can't do that until we know for sure it was him. If the others find this out they'll kill him on their own." Clarke defended.

"Less blood on my hands." Bellamy growled. He watched me the whole time he argued with Clarke. Should they kill him, should they not. I vote not.

"I have an idea." Bellamy says and rushes past us straight up to Murphy. "So you killed Wells?"

"What?" Murphy asked. He was very confused. He spotted my worried face and then got up in Bellamy's face. "I didn't kill Wells and if I had, you would know." Well he wasn't wrong.

Bellamy took his fist and slammed the side of it into Murphy's skull making him fall. "Stop!" I cried and ran to Murphy's limp body. I put his head on my lap and looked up at Bellamy. "You're a jerk!"

I felt wet tears slide down my far at I watched Murphy regain consciousness. "Lilith?"

"What?" I asked looking him in the eye.

"I'm gonna kick his ass." He smiled and hoped up. I sat on the ground and watched Murphy and Bellamy fight. Bellamy threw a few fantastic hits, but he was no match for Murphy. Murphy allowed him a few good hits before he knocked him on his ass.

Murphy sat on him and punched away at his face. Finally, Bellamy had passed out and Murphy got off of him.

He walked over to me and glared at me. "That was for him sleeping with you last night." My heart dropped. Murphy knew. I opened my mouth to say something. Anything. But nothing came out. "You'll get yours." Was all he said before walking away, past the crowed that had gathered.

People began to whisper and I heard the word slut, or whore, every few seconds. And I couldn't help but feel I was directed towards me. I looked down and nudged Bellamy's hand. He was cold.

I had to explain to Murphy that it meant nothing. But how could I? I didn't even know what to say to him. I needed to find him and tell him something.

I shoved my way through the crowed and finally spotted Murphy. But he wasn't alone. He was with a girl. A girl much prettier than me. Much much prettier. They were kissing heavily and their hands were all over the place.

Soon his short was off and they were walking away giggling and kissing. They were a mess of skin, lips, and clothes. My heart broke.

So I did the one thing I never thought I'd do. I ran. I ran past the wall. Past the trees. Past the Grounders cave. Past the water. I ran until my legs hurt and I collapsed on the ground.

And then I cried. I've done more crying on earth than I ever had on the Ark. More here than when I found my dead mother. And it sucked.


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