Chapter One

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The birds chirped early in the morning, signaling morning. Jade yawned as the sunlight burned her eyes. She grumbled and shifted in her bed. The sunlight was still there. She moved again, tossing her bed covers over her frame. 'Finally, darkness.' Jade thought, smiling to herself. It didn't last long.

"Jade! Jade! Jade! Wake uppppp!" her twin brother Shade yelled, shaking her. Jade let out a surprised gasp as she flew from one end of the bed to the other. "Shade, stop it! Leave me alone, I want to sleep!" Jade yelled, which was muffled from her being under the covers. "Seriously J? It's like, eight in the morning, I let you sleep in since 6. Hurry up, Mom wants us downstairs for breakfast." Jade mumbled once more as her legs wormed out of the covers.

She kicked at where she thought Shade was, earning a short but loud shriek from him. She smirked. Suddenly, the covers were yanked off of her entirely. "Huh? Shade, you little brat!" Jade yelled, as her eyes adjusted to the sunlight at the sharp cold now that her warm blankets were gone. "Oh shut up, I did you a favor. Now you can go eat breakfast and not have Mom come in here and yell at you. That's like, ten thousand times worse than me shaking you awake." Shade said. "Yeah yeah, I don't care." Jade replied, feeling groggy. She yawned once more.

She finally got out of her bed and walked slowly to the bathroom, locking the door. She could hear the thump of Shade running down the stairs, as well as the faint scolding from their mother from being too loud. Jade grabbed a small rectangular wooden brush and started scrubbing, or brushing, her teeth. Then she took a toothpick and flossed. Finally, she gargled some water from a bowl and spit on a spare leaf.

As she continued on her morning routine, she heard her mother's voice slowly getting louder. "Jade, hurry up! Your food is getting cold!" Jade sighed as she knew she would have to finish getting ready later. "I'm almost ready, hold on!" Jade yelled back, running out of the bathroom.

 She rushed down the stairs before seeing her mother in the kitchen, a lone bowl of oatmeal where Jade usually eats at the black table. "Go eat, and please be quiet. I could hear you jumping down the steps like a loca." her mother said. Jade quickly ate under her mother scrutinizing gaze, and when she finished, she quickly excused herself before dashing up the stairs to finish getting ready.

She grabbed a small mirror and placed it at her dresser, a few feet from her and Shade's bed. She started putting up make-up and the finishing touches on her looks before a whirlwind of leaves blew in her face. She shrieked as she spit the soggy leaves out, as it had rained hard last night. She heard loud laughter behind her. "I swear to the heavens above Shade, if you are sticking leaves in my hair when I'm trying to get ready, I'll feed you to bears myself!" Jade yelled, dropping whatever was in her hands before tackling her brother, Shade. Shade let out a shriek as he toppled over from where he was behind Jade, trying to sneak more soggy, brown leaves in her chestnut brown hair. The two rolled around, throwing punches and slaps at one another with loud yelling and grunts coming from the both of them.

"JADE AND SHADE WILLOWGLOW!" their mother's voice boomed from below. "IF YOU BOTH DON'T STOP MESSING AROUND, I'LL DO WORSE THAN DEATH TO YOU BOTH." The twins froze, their eyes wide with fear. Suddenly, their mother's loud footsteps started in the directions of the stairs, meaning it was not long before she would be up there. Jade and Shade both cursed under their breath as they flew off each other and tried to fix up their appearance so it didn't look like they emerged from a battlefield. Jade ran to her mirror where she originally was at, smoothing her hair and checking her freckled face for any marks or bruises left from the damage Shade had done. Shade simply fixed his hair and hid the dirty leaves so there was no proof of any crimes. When they were almost done, the footsteps went quiet. It was dead silent in the house, and goosebumps prickled both of the twins' skin. "Oh sh-" Shade began before the door slammed wide open, hitting the wall.

In the doorway was a very pissed off mother with angry eyes. The twins cowered as she arranged her hard glare at the two of them. "Care to explain what all of those noises were about? Including the arguing, AND the swearing?" she said, trying to contain her anger as she crossed her arms. The twins immediately bowed down, knowing she'd punish them for their disrespect if they didn't. "No Mother, we were just discussing some things in school, that's all." Shade said, before his sister could rat him out. Jade stood from her position as she glared at Shade with murderous eyes. "What? No we weren't, he's lying! He-" "QUIET! Only one of you speaks at a time. Raise your hand next time Jade, or have you already forgotten the house rules?" their mother interjected, walking closer. Jade trembled. "S-sorry Mother!" She bowed again, even lower this time. Shade quietly snickered.

"I don't want to hear another word from the two of you! I'm trying to make dinner and I can't focus when it sounds like you two are killing each other up there! For the final time, please for the love of all that is good in this forest, SHUT UP!" their mother said, raising her voice one last time. At this rate, she would lose her voice sooner or later. The twins nodded in synchronization. "Yes Mother." After a few moments of tense silence as their mother scanned the room to make sure there was no hidden blood, she stormed downstairs, where the twins could smell a delicious aroma. Jade quickly shut the door, very carefully. Once the door was closed, Shade erupted in a fit of laughter.

"Imagine getting called out by Mom, hahahaha!" Jade smacked him across the cheek, though not hard enough as she wished to make a loud noise. Their mother had excellent hearing after all. "Shut up Shade! You got me in trouble all because you were being a stupid idiot!" Jade stomped off, fuming. Unfortunately, she and Shade both shared a room, so she couldn't slam the door in his face or have some much-needed privacy after the whole mess.

She threw herself onto her bed and started reading a spell book. Suddenly, she realized one was quite wet, with a soggy leaf plastered to the page like glue. Jade made a disgusted face before she ripped the leaf off, and saw a breeze spell written in the book. It didn't take long for her to connect the dots.

Shade was busy doing whatever he liked to do when suddenly a gust of wind carrying some foul-smelling leaves slammed into him. He yelped as he fell onto his bed. He stood up shakily and grabbed a leaf, sniffing it. He made a disgusted face similar to his twin sister, yelling out her name. "JADE!!!"

Not far from him, Jade giggled as she stopped muttering her breeze spell.

Here is the first chapter! It's probably really bad but I just want to finish and publish this already, I've been up since like 1 or 2 working on this chapter. Anyway, have a good morning/afternoon/night! Also, please ignore the title. I had literally no ideas on what it should be, so its a rlly stupid one for now. If you have better suggestions (honestly ANY title is better than the current one) you can comment it here 🫧 🌸

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