Chapter Three

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Shade sleepily opened his eyes, yawning softly. He stretched as sunlight streamed down his face. He stood up, and noticed immediately that Jades bed was empty. 'Jade woke up before me?' It was odd... Shade brushed away the thoughts as soon as low voices pricked his ears.

He went still, listening in. "ade... high elf... orc..." The words barely registered in his mind, and Shade realized he'd need to get closer to whoever was speaking to hear them properly. He crept toward the door, putting his ear against it. Still, it wasn't any better than before. Shade gripped the doorknob, and slowly the door opened with a creak. The voices were much clearer, and he could tell who was saying what.

"The building has been burned to the ground. We aren't sure where your daughter and the High Elf Lord is, but the entire village is searching for them. Don't worry Miss." a gruff voice stated. Then, loud thuds echoed through the house, getting quieter and quieter with each step, until the creak of the door closing echoed through the house.

Shade snuck downstairs, and saw his mother sobbing, her face in her hands. Shade's mother never cried. "Mom? What's going on?" Shade asked. His feet propelled him to her, while Shade's mind was all over the place, trying to figure out what was going on. "Your sister... orcs attacked our village, Shade. They burned down the Council building, and they likely killed the High Elf Lord. And, Jade is missing." Shade's world crashed as soon as his mother spoke, each word making him feel more dread.

"But, but why would they attack us? At night, and only Jade and the High Elf Lord?" Shade prompted, almost yelling the questions. "No one knows! We're going to send a group of knights to get more information past the mountains." Shade crumpled down on the floor, still in shock.

He felt his mother grab him and set him down on another seat. Jade's seat. Shade recalled how upset she'd be if Shade sat in her seat instead of his own. "Shade! I always sit there, not you. Give me back my seat!" Jade's voice ran through his head, prompting him to hold back a chuckle. As more memories resurfaced, Shade didn't realize he was crying until his mother handed him a tissue.

"Can I come with them?" Shade suddenly asked. His mother stared at him in utter disbelief. "Absolutely not! One of my children has possibly been kidnapped, I don't need another child in any danger!" Shade turned his gaze to the ground, as he wiped the tissue along his face. "But they're knights, they could protect me if there's any orcs or anything. Plus, the orcs could come back here. I'm in danger no matter what." Shade stated. His mother paused. Tense silence filled the air.

"You're staying with me. I don't want any more arguing. I can and will lock you in your room if you try to do anything stupid." his mother warned, her voice low. Shade kept quiet. He was now the one who had to watch what he said to his mother, instead of the one taunting his sister, who always got in trouble.

Shade quietly excused himself and left upstairs. Though, he was already forming a plan. It would be useless to stay here, in the village. The High Elf Lord was dead, his sister was missing, and the perpetrators behind all of this could come back and do much more to everyone. There was no doubt in his mind. He had to leave, get help, and most importantly, find Jade.

As he shut the bedroom door softly, his eyes spotted a book. Jade's spell book, lying open on the floor of their bedroom. 'It wouldn't hurt to bring it along.' Shade thought. He picked up the book, and flipped through it. One particular page stood out to him, and he smiled in relief. 'I'm definitely taking this.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12 ⏰

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