What If

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- 4 Hours After The Fight -

Yose gradually opens his eyes to discover he is in a strange place. As he gently raises his head, he sees the person seated just in front of him. With a sly smile on his lips, the man is casually glancing at him. Then he chooses to say something. "Ahh? At last, awakened~" he says.

"What... happened? W-Who are you? WHERE IS ENFOURE?" Yose realizes that his wrists are tied as he screams and fumbles to stand up. As he tries to move around more, he discovers that his ankles are now shackled. He struggles for a little while longer before giving up and waiting for the man to speak so he can find out what he requested. "Let's just say that...you caused a little bit of trouble. My name is Yagami, Yagami Sato." He continues speaking nonchalantly, "I'm sure you should be worried about yourself more than the Enfoure individual...Yose The Eggdog" He rises from his seat and begins to slowly move about the room while considering his next words. Yose following his movement with his gaze, notices small papers placed all around the walls, ceiling and even the ground. Noticing his curiosity, Yagami speaks to him. "They are talismans. They are suppressing you, we don't want you causing more trouble do we~?" after saying this, he sits back on his chair that is right in front of Yose. Once again, he begins to speak. "Do you recall what happened?" Yose considers this question and starts to explain...

"Enfoure and I headed to the throne room. The King asked me whether I knew who I was. He also informed me that I was not supposed to exist. After that, all I can recall is that the king glanced at Enfoure, and in an instant, everything turned dark." Shortly later, Yagami asks, "You don't remember what happened after?" in an innocent way. Yose nods, confirming that he does not recall anything further. Yagami grinned and spoke first. "Listen closely, you are in for a surprise~"

- 2 Hours Before, Inside the Throne Room -

"No need to bow your head, come in," says King Grimorth. Yagami becomes a little agitated upon hearing this and replies, "I wasn't planning to bow...So? What took place? I've heard that I missed quite the show~" Hearing that Yagami wouldn't have bowed either way makes King Grimorth laugh, but he maintains his composure and starts talking. "You are late...However as you heard, the situation is very important." He takes a sip from his wine and continues speaking. "Last time an undead showed up, it was 20 years ago and he caused massive destruction at the time across the world. I was initially going to seal him like how our ancestors did but then, I changed my mind. When I first sent Enfoure to investigate and watch over the Undead, I secretly went there too. This is where you come in, during our meeting 1 week ago, you told me that you believed that "Not every soul is evil." I wanted to put that to the test and it was exactly like how you said. The half dog had no evil intent while he was serving those people. He also did not radiate any dark energy. That led me to come up with two possibilities. Without waiting for King Grimorth to continue, Yagami starts talking. "He either concealed it really well or he was different than the other known Undead." King Grimorth laughs at his response and continues. "You are a sharp one, like always...Correct, therefore I wanted to put that to the test. I told Enfoure to go pick him up and escort him to here. When they arrived, I told the undead that 'He shouldn't exist.' He questioned on why but I went with my ways and commanded Enfoure to behead him. Surprised by this, Yagami asks, "Why is that? If you wanted to confirm that he was an undead, you could've just cut him or something to see if he would heal himself." King Grimorth responds with a grin. "Where is the fun in that? If he was unaware that he was an undead, his body would've instinctively started healing itself. For the other scenario, which was to test your statement...I wanted to see if he would reveal his true identity if it existed." Yagami responds, "My statement regarding on souls was not about Undead. I was generally talking about the souls in itself. On the other hand, what if the half dog was not an undead but just a new race? Did you not think that he would've died right there and there after getting beheaded because of you?" Yagami asks seriously. Getting amused by Yagami's questions, he starts to speak once again. "I'll admit, It was a gamble at the cost of one soul if he died. However, you know very well to not go against that old Seer. Yagami scoffs and speaks in a more annoyed tone. "I hate that old bitch, what I hate more is that she has never failed to foresee the future. Is that why you suddenly took an interest on the undead one month ago?" King Grimorth responds with annoyance as well. "I hate her as well however, she has proved herself to be quite useful time and time again. Even our ancestors always listened to the seers in different times." To not get carried away with the subject, Yagami asks. "What happened after you got him beheaded?"
King Grimorth begins to explain what unfolded after. After a few minutes of explaining, he finishes. Yagami starts to speak this time. "From what I depicted, the undead has split personality or there is two souls stuck inside that body. The good soul being some sort of vessel for the sinful soul." King Grimorth responds, "I want to understand the undead, I want to find where the other ones are. I only sealed one undead when I was younger. Instead of running from them like this, I want to understand the source, I want to use them." Yagami scoffs at the king's statement and responds, "That is the most selfish thing I have ever heard in my 25 years of life. So? What if it backfires? Will you take responsibility for your own selfish actions?" Yagami asks with an angry tone. Shortly after King Grimorth responds, "I will." Not being able to believe his own ears, Yagami asks a question once again. "What do you want me to do then? You could have talked this with Trion or anyone else. Why me?" King Grimorth responds immediately with resolve, "You are the one I trust the most, you are also a teacher. I can't just do whatever I want, I have my own responsibilities. What I want from you is very simple, wait until he wakes up. I sent him to the talisman room. If he is the good side that means we have the chance to use him. If he wakes up as the sinful side, let me know. I will come and seal him myself." Yagami sighs after hearing all of this and thinks to himself for a moment. Shortly after he utters. "Under one condition." King Grimorth narrows his eyes and responds, "You don't mean...?" Yagami also narrows his eyes and nods. "I mean...exactly that..."

- Present Time, Inside the Talisman Room -

Yagami finishes explaining everything that happened while Yose was unconscious and grins. Right after, he starts to talk again.
"There are two things you can do. Join the king's cause or get sealed immediately."

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