Day Thirty: What Made You Fall in Love with the Series

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R's&R's, this is it! This is the last chapter/challenge of 30DoEAH.

Let me just say it has been one hex of a ride. My first book in Wattpad is a huge success!

Now, before I start tearing up, let me get through some announcements.

1. There may be one more update, and that will be my thank you to everyone!
2. Since I also suck at promises, I'm just going to come out and say that the newest book that I am making is an Ever After High story. My favorite ship, Dexven will be in it as well.

Now, I'm going to recap this wild journey!
Oh my wand, my heart is panging.

30 Days of Ever After High Challenge Recap

Day One: Favorite Female
Raven Queen

Day Two: Favorite Male
Dexter Charming

Day Three: Favorite Webisode
Date Night

Day Four: Royal or Rebel
Rebel at Heart!

Day Five: Favorite Quote
"It's a Rebel cause with a Royal heart,
Rewrite, Ignite, Restart!"

Day Six: Favorite Moment (changed it from Funniest to Favorite, by the way)
Apple and Raven held hands in Thronecoming. They remind me of sisters.

Day Seven: Favorite Scene
The Wonderlandian Riddle Showdown in Spring Unsprung

Day Eight: Favorite Friendship
#TeamApple/Raven v.s. #TeamMaddie/Raven

Day Nine: Favorite Relationship
Dexven/Rexter equals OTP!

Day Ten: Favorite Location
The Village of Book End

Day Eleven: Favorite Background Character
What looks like Princess Badroulbadour's child! She's so pretty!

Day Twelve: Favorite Slang

Day Thirteen: Favorite Teacher (Still Questionable)
Giles Grimm

Day Fourteen: Favorite Outfit
Waaaaaay too many! I still can't decide!

Day Fifteen: Book or Webisode?
Both, but I'm leaning towards the books.

Day Sixteen: Character You Would Like to See More Of
Darling Charming

Day Seventeen: Favorite Magical Ability
Raven Queen and Faybelle Thorn's Dark Magic

Day Eighteen: Favorite Pet

Day Nineteen: Character You Relate To The Most
Raven Queen, Ashlynn Ella, Lizzie Hearts, Madeline Hatter, and every misunderstood character there is.

Day Twenty: Least Favorite Character
Sparrow Hood

Day Twenty-One: Least Favorite Webisode
The True Hearts Day trilogy

Day Twenty-Two: First Doll You Bought
Raven Queen and Madeline Hatter
Legacy Day Raven Queen

Day Twenty-Three: Favorite Doll
The Enchanted Picnic line

Day Twenty-Four: Favorite Diary Doodles
I sorta like Dexter's diary doodles; they are so cute!

Day Twenty-Five: Your EAH Avatar
Still dunno!

Day Twenty-Six: Fairytale You'd Like to See Included
The Wizard of Oz

Day Twenty-Seven: Something You'd Want to Add or Change
The webisodes

Day Twenty-Eight: Character You'd Want to Date
Dexter Charming

Day Twenty-Nine: Character You'd Want as Your Best Friend Forever After
Madeline Hatter


Here is the final day, Day Thirty: What Made You Fall in Love with the Series

Back in July of '13, me and my sister were playing Stardoll and stuff when we saw this mini ad about this new thing called Ever After High.

I saw the first two Royals, Apple White, daughter of Snow White, and Briar Beauty, daughter of Sleeping Beauty.

So I was all curious, because I've never heard of a fairytale school for the children.

Then, I saw her.

It was in the Rebels' introduction the next time we got on SD.

"Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen-"
Wait, WHAT?

I don't think I'll like any daughter of the Evil Queen! I told myself. Realizing that Raven and Madeline Hatter were Rebels, I said

Oh, please! Rebellion gets you nowhere! I'm gonna be a Royal.

So I checked it out, and BOY did I have the glass slipper jammed in my mouth.

It was perfection. The whole rivarly and everything! The entire consept was clever and, oh I feel a little bit of nostalgia vomit coming up!

•I love Raven and the Rebels.
•I am a Rebel.
•I got most of the Basic 1st wave for that same Christmas.
•Me and my sister have the three Shannon Hale books and I have one Suzanne Selfors book (which totally rocks!)
•I am always on EAHDolls Facebook, EAHfan fiction, and EAHConfessions on Tumblr
•Dexven/Rexter is my number one OTP!
•The dolls are magnificent
•Picture-perfect with the webisode art
•The artwork is outta this world
•The fandom is great!
•Names are really clever (well, some of them)
•This is the best thing ever after!

I have never been so connected with a doll line since my Barbie obsession!

Thank you so fairy much Mattel, for the most amazing thing you could ever produce! WE LOVE YOU!

I heart all of you guys! I'll really miss doing this! I'm going to be giving my thank you's tomorrow.

Hex you later, you amazing Wattpad fairytales!

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