chapter one

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"Here is to our great Leader, my dearest brother, the lord of all elves and the four kingdom. May your grace live long." Reynald the King's brother who looked almost identical to him except he didn't keep a beard announced to the large crowd from all the four lands who had come to celebrate the King's birthday. He raised his golden cup with a grin on his face.

"Long live the King!" the crowd responded followed by cheers.

"Now. Now brother you didn't have to do that." The Great Leader Reydol laughed almost as if he wasn't used to the crowd despite him ruling for over thirty years.

They carried similar facials, the blond hair and the golden eyes. One would know a child of the royal blood with only one look. The king's hair had slowly withered and was turning into white, with a long beard that was now white. He still had a cheerful wide smile of a young boy.

"Well, despite you being my brother you have lived longer and done well for everyone you deserve everything. Even the finest of ladies." He winked.

"Cheers brother!" he laughed hard hitting his brother's cup with his spilling some wine.

The celebratory room was fully packed gifts being piled in a corner being carried by servants into another room. There was music that was being played by you ng man who had a glorious voice, singing the king's praises. Food and wine wasn't a problem at all it was enough to feed the whole city living crumbs for the dogs. The doors of the celebratory room were opened and in stepped a group of women who were dressed seductively dancing with their faces covered. The king looked at his brother with a smile on his face. His wife, Gratell, the queen sat by his side with a smile on her pale face. She was dressed like a goddess with jewels in her red hair. She would grab her husband's hand and whisper something to his ear and he would laugh.

The doors opened again and this time in walked Aariya and her daughter Notello. Aariya like any other true elf she had the golden blond hair and the golden eyes. She was the true definition of beauty with the gift of leading. She was the heir to the throne and leader of the army. Notello on the other hand bared no sign of the elf blood, even her ear reported otherwise. She had caramel brown skin, freckles on her nose and dreamy green eyes. They walked gently the room becoming quiet acknowledging their presents with a bow.

"Ah! My dearest daughter! The future queen!" Notello noticed pregnant queen flinch as she always did whenever the king announced.

"Father. You majesty." She bought along with Notello gracefully.

"And here I thought you and my beautiful grandchild Notello would miss my birthday."

"I wouldn't miss this great day for anything in the world father." She smiled joyfully.

"Ladies and gentleman. My daughter." The king shouted joyful and the crowds responded with cheers. "Let's celebrate. Eat and be merry." He announced and they started dancing and feasting as they were before.

Notello followed behind her mother shyly adjusting her dress' sleeves. She took a seat at the high table beside Aariya who was beside Reynald.

"I see you have decided to entertain the king." She said looking at the semi naked women dancing.

"Well, I decided to give the old man some flash. Especially with his woman about to explode with a child he should be missing some action. A man shouldn't go that long without any action. There are already too many whores who are more than willing to satisfy the old badger." He said with a snort.

"You do know the way to the king's heart, I see." She laughed a little looking at her father who was smiling and the queen who was ready to bite any of those women's ear.

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