
3 0 0

May 20

(Matthew has asked the group if he can add his godson Leon to the chat)

[Zoe] Sure, why not

[Camila] His grammar can be really irksome at times

But yeah, I'd approve

[Louis] Totally ok with me

[Keegan] Ugh, Leon can really be a pain in the butt fr, though.

But I'll let him slide, just this once

[Matthew] Appreciate it, I'll try my best to make sure that he isn't always here

[Keegan] Sounds good

(Matthew adds Leon to the group chat)

[Zoe] Leon, please don't start misspelling words, at least not yet

[Leon] What's up, fulks! How's everyone's day goig so far?

[Louis] Decent

[Camila] Pretty good

[Keegan] Worse now

[Zoe] Your grammar made it worse

[Camila] I met this friendly, lonely duckling while on my way to Maggie's

It's super friendly and extremely attached to me rn, look

(Camila sends a picture of her, and the duckling)

[Camila] I called him Waddles because he obviously loves to waddle and follow me while doing so.

[Zoe] That's soooo cute, Cammy!!

[Leon] Fr, you know that I'm sort of an excert in animals myself

[Matthew] *Expert, and no, you are not.

He hates almost every animal he sees

[Leon] Not tru, I'm totally a naturit

[Matthew] Ok, Leon

But yeah, Cammy, that's amazing

[Louis] Are you keeping him?

[Camila] I want to so badly, but I don't want to remove him from his natural habitat.

[Louis] True, but if he's all alone he probably won't survive

[Keegan] Ducks rock, but I gotta go. Breaks over

[Matthew] Aight Keegan, take care

[Camila] Bye

[Louis] Later

[Zoe] Yeah, try not to feel left out afterward.

We might talk about an interesting topic while you're gone. Who knows

[Keegan] Yeah, right

(Keegan has left the chat)

[Zoe] I was joking, I know for a fact we don't have any interesting topics rn

[Louis] Facts 😸

[Leon] Ooo, we could talk about our favorte foods

[Zoe] *Favorite. But not a bad idea

[Leon] Ok, mine is Lasagna!

[Camila] Italian, not bad, but mine is better, arroz con gandules. For now, it's what I'm craving

[Louis] Of course, you always flip flop.

[Camila] 😅

[Louis] I enjoy fried rice with orange and sweet and sour chicken. With duck sauce, of course.

[Matthew] Ever since we went to that Panda Express, you've been hooked

[Louis] What can I say? They got me good 😸

[Matthew] My favorite would probably be pizza

[Zoe] Mine is chicken pot pie, and Keegan's is burgers with fries. He'll rarely eat burgers without fries

[Leon] Look at Zoe, letting us knoe what your man likes to eat, huh?

[Zoe] What???

[Matthew] First of all, you know way too much

Secondly, she's with Brian. I told you this already

Thirdly, I'm about to kick you off the chat. You asked to be here, and here you are. You best not mess up this opportunity

[Leon] My falt

[Zoe] *Fault. And yeah, you're too young for all of this anyway

[Leon] I'm 14, reallly?

[Zoe] A fourteen year old who still can't correct his own grammar, shame

[Leon] 😠

Aren't you like 35? Why you still hanging arond here, you weirdo??

You're just here to sleep arond with these yonug guys

[Camila] 😯

[Louis] 🙀 No, he did not just say that

[Matthew] Ok bye Leo

(Matthew has removed Leon from the chat)

[Matthew] You think I should ban him?

[Zoe] For life!!!!

I'm done with him, been since he was 13, kids now these days 😵‍💫 Ugh

I gave him chances too

[Camila] Yeah, I think he just needs to be homeschooled for now, honestly

He's way too easily influenced

[Louis] Fr, now imagine if Keegan was still here

[Matthew] Oh boy, that would've been messy

[Camila] Keegan and Leon can not coexist, ever

They'll literally find something to disagree on

[Zoe] Yeah, but it's actually pretty interesting when they do go back and forth. It's good seeing Leon get put in his place

[Louis] Facts

[Matthew] You're so right

So where's Waddles currently?

[Camila] In my hands 😏

I'm keeping him

[Matthew] Good to know 😄

[Louis] 😸😸

[Zoe] 😆

[Camila] 🤭

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