Day 2

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I grab my bag and walk down stairs to find Kalin talking to his mother eating a piece of bacon. "Good morning Carmen." I say to his mother. "Morning Lina." She says with a pretty smile. I walk towards the door avoiding Kalin. "Lina wait I'll take you to school." He says. Without looking back I yell," I rather walk." I close the door behind me roughly. I begin my walk to school. I walk like 7 blocks before I finally arrive. I walk inside and see Kalin's girlfriend rubbing all on him. I just roll my eyes and walk to my locker. I grab my English book. I starting walking to English. I get to the front door of English and I feel a bump into my shoulder Causing me to stumble to the side. I see its Kalin's girlfriend. "Sorry." she says sorry and sarcastically. She walks into the same class as me ugh. I fix my books and walk into class. I sit in the middle of class as usual. The teacher asks," Who loves Shakespeare?" I raise my hand fast and proudly. Then, I look around the class and I see I'm the only one with my hand up. "Dork." the comment Kalins girlfriend makes and I put my hand back down. "Okay, Lina why?" The teacher says. "Never mind." I say. "What's wrong cat got your tongue dork?" She comments. "Listen!" I say. She chews her gum and looks at me with attitude. "What?" She says. I give her an evil look an turn around. "That's what I thought, don't have the guts." She says.
*bell rings*
I grab my books and try to rush out of class. When the teacher stops me. He seems concerned. "I a little worried. I don't want you to change because she brings the worst out of you. Don't pay her no mind. You will be okay." he says. I nod yes with a gentle smile. I walk out of class and head to my next class.
*Skip(the last bell rings) *
I see Kalin and his girlfriend making out on my locker. "Excuse." I say being polite.
"What do you want you fat dork that can't do anything better with her time than to intrude on my life?!" She says and even though I don't like her. Those words hurt. She looks at me again with more attitude waiting for me to say something. The fire builds up and I say,"Well bitch! That's my fucking locker! Move!" My eyes shift to Kalin for a moment and I see him smiling at me. "Brittany lets go!" He says pulling her by her waist. She keeps her eyes on me. "This one time I move don't except it again." She says pushing. I put my books away and grab my homework book. I walk out the building and Kalin ends up standing next to me. "Thanks." I say to him. "It's cool. But it was a once and a life time thing. And you still can't talk to me." He says. "I wouldn't dream of it. Gosh, you're so sweet then you go back to asshole." I say frustrated. "Me your the one so desperate trying to get my attention!" He says. "Really? Me? Never." I say. "Oh yea." he says. I start to walk home and he drives after getting his car.
12 minutes later, I arrive home. I open the door and Kalin is siting on the couch. "Ugh. You're here." I comment. "Yes, this is my house." He says. "You're suck a dick!" I yell. "Really how?" He yells back. "You're annoying, rude, obnoxious, and don't care about anyone else put you self." I yell at him. "Really? Hun?" He says walking closer to me. "Yea." I say backing up as he gets a step closer. "You know what I think?" He says walking even closer. "What?!" I say squinting my eyes with attitude in my face and stepping back. "I think....." he says slowly walking even closer. "You like me." He says hitting his arms against the walls above me. I hit the wall. He is so close kissing distance. I start breathing heavy. "As if I would like someone as self center as you." I say trying to keep my face from his. He gets up in my face. Our noes almost touch. "Are you sure?" He says. He leans in and pushes his lips against mine. Oh my god it heaven. We continue to kiss for a minute. Then, I push him away. "you kissed that bitch. I don't want you to kiss me." I say trying to walk away. He pulls my arm back. He looks in my eyes and I look in his. He lets my arm go and I continue to walk up stairs. Why would I do that? His kisses were so amazing. He's hot. I never felt like that before. I wanna feel it again. No respect yourself as a woman...."Fuck it!" I say and I run back down the two steps I walked up. I turn him around and we kiss each other. He puts his hand on my arch. As we are kissing, I feel his hand move slowly down and curve over my ass. We start moving upstairs while kissing. I help him take his shirt off. I take my shirt off and I start drifting away. He pulls me roughly closer. He kissing me again and he slips his tongue in. Then, I realize we are tongue kissing now. I start to walk to the stairs backwards. When, Kalin goes,"Untun." He shakes his head no. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He brings me upstairs. We walk to his room and he closes the door. He presses me up against the door. He put his head between the separation of my head and my neck. He starts to kiss my neck and he goes lower and lower every kiss. He gets down to my boobs. It's tickles and I start laughing. He starts to laugh too. "Why are you laughing?" He asks. "It's tickles." I respond. "That's not the only thing that's gonna tickle." he says. He puts his hand on the back of my bra. He unclips it. After, he grabs arm and turns me around. Putting my butt against his penis. He puts his hands on my chest and slowly moves down. He reaches my lower area and he unbuttons my jeans. I pull them down and step out of them. He pulls me from the back tighter. He moves his hand to my area over the panties. He starts to rub up and down on it. I start to moving my body uncontrollably up and down. Its feels so good. I start breathing heavier and the more he does it. The harder I breath. He puts his hands on my waist and slowly pushes down my panties. He bends me over and has me step out of them. I turn around and lay on the bed. I unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants. He takes his pants off and throws them across the room. As I pull off his boxers I say,"I never thought I would be turned on to such a jerk like you." He smiles and says,"Let me show you what this jerk can do?" He grabs my waist and shoves it inside me. I start to feel pain even though it's not my first time. He slowly constantly starts to move in and out. I start to enjoy the pain. I undeniably start moaning. I yell," Uh! Oh my god! It fells so good!" After those words, he starts going faster and the moaning gets louder. "You thought you would never be turned on by me. Think about me I'm turned on to a geek." He says. "Naturally I would be mad at you but I can't because it's too fucking good." I say. He chuckles and starts going faster. "Kalin!uh!" I moan louder. He slows down and starts to rock back and fourth on top of my body. He stops and lays on top of me with his head by neck. He his breathing really heavy in my ear and I can feel his heart beat. I can see his sweat dripping all over his chest over his abs. He looks at me and I say," I never thought you had that in you." He responds,"You surprised me yourself." While on top of me, he chuckles while I giggle.

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