"ᗪᗴᗩᖇ ᗪIᗩᖇY, ᐯIՏIOᑎՏ ᗩᑎᗪ ᗰᗴᗰOᖇIᗴՏ"

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ɪsᴀᴅᴏʀᴀ ᴘᴏᴠ

Grey slabs of concrete support my weight as I run across the land. With every action there's a consequence, basic rules of nature, but this is a consequence I'm not ready to pay.

No longer am I the prisoner of a world made to cater to my brother, an Innocent entangled in the web of the guilty, the victim of her own loyalty. No, now I am the monster inside children's closets, the demons hanging over people's shoulders.

I'm also the cowards who runs from her fate, begging for redemption I don't deserve.

I wasn't wearing my usual lazy day ensemble, instead sweatpants and a crop top have been replaced with an elegant gown, shiny yellow material covered in splatters of red, a medal of my shame and dishonor.

A slam my fists against the door of a local house, but when death knocks on your door— only a fool answers. I scream in horror as I make way to the next house, pleading somebody answer my calls.

And there he was, I squinted my eyes. I've seen that face before, a victim I'd left alive? Friend? Foe? I could barely remember who I am, much less who this handsome stranger before me was.

"Well darling, I certainly didn't expect this, " he laughed, most likely at my expense, I fall to my knees before him, I don't have the means to go on.

Ready to die before the familiar stranger, I am surprised when he lifts me into his arms, as if I was a princess and he, my prince Charming. U bothered by the red liquid on my hands, staining his shirt as it had my soul.

Everything is enhanced, I can see each individual strand of peach fuzz on the back of his neck, I can hear the muffled sobs of a child grieving over his mother's body— begging for her to awaken, it's much out of what should be my hearing range, I know because I had left the body.

The handsome stranger didn't comment on it, my abnormal behavior or how my eyes would lock in on the jugular of every local we passed.

I'd always been told I was an abomination, not being able to produce my own magic, forced to rely on others for something that should be my birthright, but this? This feeling, this power?

It is truly monstrous.

ʀᴇᴀʟ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ

My eyes opened, I didn't gasp awake or slowly flutter my eyes until they opened, they just opened, like any other day. My heart wasn't racing, nor was I sweating.

Maybe the stories exaggerated it, perhaps nightmares weren't as disrupting as they wanted us to believe. But the more I thought of my dream or nightmare, the more details seemed to flee from my mind.

Soon I could only envision myself in a dark abyss. Caked in blood.

That was enough to scare me as it is.

But something about today felt off, the air normally filled with the air of pity and hopelessness now was buzzing with newfound hope and energy.

I had hopes when I went downstairs, there would be good news awaiting me. Incase you didn't know, me and Kai now stay at the boarding house with Bonnie and Kai, who safe to say, do not like each other.

Damon tried explaining that Bonnie could be judgemental which was an understatement in my opinion, I just knew as long as Bennet blood ran throughout her veins, so did our chance to leave.

I pulled together a quick outfit, a flannel that belonged to Damon and a band tee that used to be Kai's before I cut it into a crop top and cut out the neckline. I paired this with some shorts and high top converse.

Gliding down the annoying long staircase I was met with the image of Bonnie and Kai arguing while Damon flipped pancakes, how I love my family.

"Fear not, inferior family members, the good looking one has arrived!" I joked, announcing my presence to the rooms participants, Bonnie narrowed her eyes whereas Damon and Kai chuckled. I hopped off the last stair towards a tower of pancakes, snatching one off the top.

"You wish dora the explorer" Damon chuckled, while I choked on my pancakes before turning to him, contemplating lunging over the counter and tackling.

"Damon Giuseppe Salvatore- I will dismember you and dip your own balls in every bottle of Bourbon in this household if you call me that again-" I threatened, though my eyes held a fondness.

Damon has been through a lot, I'm glad to see him getting over his raging trust issues.

"Anyways- any idea how to leave this place?" I asked into the room

"Im so glad you asked, " my little brother said cheerily before slamming a large hard cover book onto the table, clearly a Grimoire, he flipped to a specific page close to the middle and turned it so I could read.

"A Bennet witch and Parker Witch must combine their magic and blood... Linking as one... Spell revealed... Ascendant... Celestial event.. Full power" I skim read over the important things, after finishing I stood deadly still for a second. Letting the words settle in my head.

"We're going home Goldilocks, so you better make sure the spell is just right" Damon warned, antsy to leave, I can't blame him, I want out this hellhole too.

"We're going home!" My voice cracked as my eyes went blurry with unfallen tears.

Home. After 18 years.

•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•

Another short shit chapter bc two shit chapters equal one decent one.

Don't forget to comment and tell me what you think about the chapter also! I promised a shout out so here's props too...

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