Fluff: ChanMin

56 3 10

Dedicated to: @DenHeWaddledAwAy


His phone buzzed, its dim light the sole illumination in the cramped, cluttered bedroom. Seungmin turned in bed to check the time: 3:02 AM.

A flood of messages made his phone explode - all from the eclectic group chat formed in their first year of uni. They maintained contact, typically about house parties. Or in fact, any other events where the boys would get completely stoned and depend on Seungmin or the other responsible member of the group, Chan.

Thinking why on earth they would be blowing up the group chat, Seungmin wasn't particularly worried; assuming Bangchan was there keeping them in check and safe. However, this time the messages made him pause.

SquirrelBoy: Seung? Channies stoneeeddd

SquirrelBoy: Come quicklieeeee


SquirrelBoy: Where tf areee uuuuuu





What! He stared at the screen absolutely shocked and bewildered. Chan? The only other one who he could rely on to be sensible? For once, he didn't really know what to do. Seungmin had no clue what to do. It was 3-freaking-am and he rather liked sleeping.

Eventually he decided to go, purely out of interest as he had always wondered what Chan would be like when he loosened up and relaxed. The streets were mostly deserted so Seungmin arrived at the house within 10 minutes.

Opening the door, a wave of noise hit him, along wtih the suffocating smell of alchohol and cigarettes. The hallway was packed with random people he didn't know so he pushed his way through the crowd and reached the sitting room. Inside were three of the boys; Changbin, Felix and Jeongin.

"Oh!" "Heyyyyy.....Minniee.." Felix slurred, desperately trying to hold up Changbin who'd fallen asleep and was propped against him. Jeongin was rocking, giggling and muttering cutely to himself - something about different images he could see on the ceiling.

"Ch..annie...hasss gone. UPSTAIRS. Withhhh....hahahahahaha I DON'T KNOWWWW..." The small boy burst out into uncontrollable laughter, before falling over with Changbin landing ontop of him. Jeongin too fell over and the three of them just lay there, with poor Felix squashed at the bottom of the pile.

With a grunt - Seungmin lifted the maknae up, and deposited him on the sofa before turning his attention to Changbin. There was no way he could lift up the buff, muscle bunny so instead he settled for shoving him off of Felix; allowing the chick to breathe. 

"Isssss alright.... you go uppppstairs. I'm HAPPYYYYY.." Jeongin declared. "I'll takeeee care of.... of themmm.."

Sighing, Seungmin left them there and again fought his way through everyone lingering in the hallway, climbing the stairs to find the upper floor dark with one door open, a sliver of light peeking out. Instinctively, he headed there.

He pushed open the door.

(455 words)- part two coming soon, hopefully 🤞  ʚʕ•ᴥ•ʔɞ

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