Chapter 4

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Loren's Pov
2 weeks later
3rd August

After spending nearly a week in the Bahamas, partying till 3am, getting wasted...but not too wasted...

Georgina and Harriet on the other hand...... let's just say that they celebrated my last single days for me....

Harriet and I met at University as I secretly spent the night in her dorm one night... because Ethan forgot to pick me up

Why didn't I have a license again...oh, I crashed  Dad's cars into one of the house walls.....

Georgina made out with one of the Bartenders when she was drunk....she claimed that he was giving her "the eyes"

Too bad I ended that ship before it could even set sail....a lot of customers, both male and female would her killed her if she stole their bartender from them.....

So I did do her a favour....

Megan said that she wouldn't be able to come because she had a doctor's appointment and she desperately didn't want to miss it......

Right now we were back home.....yes Georgina's
and I decided that I'd go and visit suprise him, it has been a long time

And I needed to break the news to him. I told Georgina who was also going out that I was finally going to break the news to Ethan.....


Since it had been a long time since we'd seen each other, I wanted to suprise him with a little gift, so I went to one of the stores earlier on

Of course Georgie asked me when last he got me a gift and.....
"Onnnn........uhm, oh yeah our third month anniversary..." I said
"And you've been dating for 6 months...." Georgie said
"I won't comment on that...."
"Come on, let's pick out the gift...."


I ended up getting him a little promise ring,which was silver and had little stones in it......

he is going to love it...I just know it

I went to the apartment buildings, and took the elevator, since he lived at the very top of the building....

When I finally got to the top, I went to the door before the last one and gently knocked....

no answer....

I knocked again and again there was no answer

He'd gotten back from his parents 3 days ago....and all his friends were on holiday or out of the city.....

I had a spare key to his apartment which he had given me, so I quietly unlocked the door...

The living room was fairly clean...with a. few.....clothes that I don't remember. I walked towards the couch and set my bag on the mini table

I found a dress on the table which was way too big to be mine, and some heels that were way too small to be mine....

Who the hell are these clothes for...and why are they in the living room....

I was about to call out to Ethan when suddenly I head some giggling in the direction of Ethan's bedroom...

I made my way towards the bedroom and opened the door...I couldn't believe my eyes.....

Megan and Ethan were both asleep naked in each others arms, with Ethan's head buried in her cleavage..... would  they do that to me...??

I squeezed the promise ring tight enough that I even felt a few drops of blood drip to all over my hand...

I didn't think that I'd be able to confront them without breaking out in tears, so I just bolted out of his apartment....

What did I ever to either of them....?

Ethan and I loved each other....or atleast my feelings were real...

And Megan....I thought that we were friends could she

With every thought I just squeezed the ring tighter and tighter causing more and more blood to drip down my hand....

I didn't even manage to tell Ethan...that I was getting married, in a weeks time...I didn't want to cry.....not while I was in public

You know what....I don't even care anymore...if either of them couldn't regard my feelings while cheating, why should I.....regard theirs

I walked into the same club I'd been with Georgie in.....and I sat on one of the barstools near the barkeep....

"If it isn't my new favourite customer...what can I get you..?" The bartender that served me that day said

"Give me 10 shots of your strongest liquor...." I said solemnly

I didn't care if I got wasted or what not anymore...

The Bartender brought out the Liquor and about 5 shots cups.....

I paid him in advance and immediately downed the first shot, I didn't even care that it burnt my throat...I just wanted to forget a lot of things.....

my marriage.....Ethan and Megan's betrayal..... mom

I downed shot after shot...trying to erase the forget everything...

Even if it was just for a moment...

Hope you liked this chapter

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