Draped In Silver

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The fallout of King Viserys I Targaryen naming his firstborn son of his second wife, Queen Consort Alicent Hightower, days after his birth was truly one for the history books.

There was already some controversy floating around when the King married the second child of a second son barely even 4 moons after Queen Aemma's death, as well as the child being born soon after the wedding, which generated whispers and questions of the boy's legitimacy.

But, King Viserys, after holding a ceremony for his daughter and saying, several times in public, that Rhaenyra would be queen, named his newborn son his long-awaited Heir soon after his birth.

The servants of the Red Keep, and almost everyone in Kings Landing, could hear the King and his daughter yelling and screaming at each other. The betrayal their princess felt was palpable to everyone in the city. The Realms Delight shrieked and cried in outrage as the King completely stripped away her freedom in one night. King Viserys decreed that Rhaenyra would be wedded to Jason Lannister, and sent to live at Castarly Rock immediately after, while her dragon would remain in Kings Landing, chained.

For days after, Princess Rhaenyra remained in her room, not talking to anyone and barely eating.

The people ached for their beloved princess, who was beautiful and kind and gracious, who would've been a great queen, who was dealt the short end of the stick by her own father. They wondered if the King hated his daughter because she looked wholly Valyrian, but also like the late Queen Aemma whom the king murdered in cold blood.

The wedding grew closer, and it was then that King Viserys visited his daughter, only to find her gone.

Princess Rhaenyra had packed everything she could, with the help of Ser Harwin and several of her new handmaids, and fled Kings Landing, taking her sworn shield and handmaid with her, as well as half a dozen kingsguard and knights.

No one knew where she went, she just flew past the horizon. She had left a note, denouncing King Viserys as her father, cursing him and any bastard, Andal half-breeds he has with his Hightower whore.

King Viserys was nearly inconsolable, crying and raging at the disappearance of his daughter. He, and Lord Hand Otto Hightower, accused Prince Daemon of kidnapping the princess, but there was no proof.

A couple of moons later, Daemon followed his niece's lead, took his daughter, and left the Seven Kingdoms for good. The King had decided to betroth his niece to his son and have her fostered in Kings Landing to be raised alongside Aegon, without even asking Daemon.

The Rogue Prince denounced Viserys as his brother, as Baelon Targaryen's son, and left forever.

Soon after, news reached Westeros that Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon had begun living in Volantis with Princess Saera, her children, Princess Viserra, Princess Gael, and her children as well.

It greatly surprised Viserys that his aunts were still alive, but he was mostly relieved that Rhaenyra was alright. He ordered for a raven to be sent for Volantis, with a letter demanding for Rhaenyra and Daemon to return to Westeros. Simply put, he received a letter in return saying 'no'. The Lord Hand threw a fit, he and the queen saying that Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon must be brought back to be punished, but what could King Viserys do? He doesn't have a dragon, and he doubts he can hire someone to successfully kidnap Rhaenyra and Daemon.

There was no news for some time. But during that time, the Queen bore another son, Prince Aemond Targaryen.

The King's children from his second wife did not have dragons, their eggs never hatched in their cradles, and to add insult to injury, they looked more Hightower than Valyrian despite the white hair, they had Andal faces and brown eyes.

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