Oh how I loved you from the start..

169 2 5

Fits perfectly.

Little did the small fruity gay ass scene boy know, his strict, pale boring "best friend" was wide awake the whole time, witnessing the whole thing.

(I felt zesty, don't come for me pls)

Lampert's light started to flicker up, a sign of it working again. It began to shine brightly, while his pale face started to turn bright red. He didnt know why, but he wanted to feel the brunette's soft lips touch his and his light body pressed against his again. After he proceeded his thoughts, he turned his body towards the couch, then slightly screaming into it. Though he tried to calm himself down, even the slightest thought of the brunette's short fluffy hair, his beautiful dark black eyes or even his soft, light hands holding his would fluster him up again.

Infected walks thru the corridor to check on his basically-boyfriend, then getting worried looking at him struggling to stand up after he had just passed out. He quickly rushes to him, clearly trying to help.

As Lampert briskly realised what was going on, he tried his best to stand up on his own legs. After a successful attempt, he quickly swung his head towards Infected's.

"L4mpy! 4r3 y0u 0k4y-"Infected asks, but Lampert cupped both sides of his face and briefly kissed his soft Lips before he could finish his sentence. He didn't even care if it was dirty and full of germs anymore. All he wanted was the satisfaction of him kissing his lover.

(Nope, not to the point of having tongue tho.)

Infected didn't move a bit other than a small flinch at the start and blinking. He was just there, unable to move due to shock running thru his body and blood rising up to his face, making his ears and head redder than usual. Lampert breaks the kiss by letting go of Infected's face lightly and pulling away.

They just stared at each other for a few minutes before one speaks up to another.

"L4mpy,,." He whispers in a shocked, but fascinated tone while trying to catch a breath and realise what has happened.

"Before you ask, yes. I want to date you. I've wanted to be with you ever since I first met you. Before and after you got sick. Though I prefer having Kasper more, you're still all that I've wanted." Lampert exclaims before looking away in embarrassment of what he had just done.

"W04h.. /// 0_o///" he sighs out.

"I know."

(403 words, wowza1!!1!!1)

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