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Next day...

The news of Hosung got arrested spread like fire.

"What do you mean by they will not give bail." Krista shouted at the lawyers.

They were currently standing outside the police station with their lawyers.

"What the hell happened inside." Mr.Lee asked.

"Officer said that it's order from court that Mr.Lee Hosung will not get bail." One of the lawyer said.

"Wtf are you saying they didn't even take him to court yet. How can court gave the order." Mr.Lee said...

"Sir, I think president Jeon is involve in it. " Second lawyer said.

"How can you say that." Krista asked.

"Because the persons who have filed the cases are not powerful enough to handle court decision except Jeon family.." lawyer explained...

"Okay keep trying I am going to meet President Jeon." Mr.Lee said.

Lawyers nodded

"I will also come with you uncle.. " Krista said.

Mr.Lee nodded.


GgukTaeKook were in Jeon Ent.

Kook was on leave today so all of them came to company.

"Kookie s.... stop..." Tae said between his giggles as Kook was tickling him.

Gguk was looking at them with a smile..

"Pl....please my st..... stomach hurts..." Tae said..

"Kook leave him..." Gguk said .

Kook stopped...

"You are very bad..." Tae said holding his stomach...

"And who started this hmm" Kook said...

Tae giggled..

Gguk came there. He picked Tae up and make him sit on his lap and he himself sat on the sofa beside Kook.

"You are getting naughty day by day.." Gguk said caressing Tae stomach softly...

Tae smiled....

"But both of you still love me .." Tae said...

Twins smiled.

"Btw I didn't meet Daisy nonna today where is she.." Tae asked..

"She went for a meeting in another company.." Gguk said..

Tae hummed.

"It's almost lunch time want to eat something.." Gguk asked.

"I am not hungry hyung." Kook said.

"Me too Ggukie. We ate snacks just a while ago." Tae said..

"Okay then how about strawberry milkshake and banana milk.." Gguk asked..

"Okay..." Taekook both said in unison.

Gguk called in the office canteen, and placed the order.

Soon one boy can and gave their order.

They enjoyed the drink.

They heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." Gguk said.

"Sir Mr.Han and Ms.Krista is here to meet you." Anna informed.

Twins smirked.

"Let them come." Kook said.

Anna nodded and went from there.

"Why are they here." Tae asked.

"You will know soon." Kook said.

Mr.Han and Krista came inside...

"Take your seat..." Kook said...

Pointing at the sofa infront of them...

Both of them sat there.

Tae was sitting between both of the twins.

"Hello Krista. What a surprise you are here." Tae said...

"Stop acting innocent. You have done all this right." Krista said.

"What are you taking about?" Tae asked..

"Oh now you are playing innocent huh!? After sending my son to jail." Mr.Lee said..

Tae looked at them with surprised expression then at twins...

Tae hugged both the twins.

"Ggukie, Kookie you should have told me this good news earlier na.." Tae said...

Twins smiled.

"What is good in it huh!! My boyfriend is in jail and you think it good news." Krista shouted.

"Remember Krista you slapped me that day I told you that it will be not good for you." Tae said.

"Jeon why did you do that." Mr.Han asked.

"That day you have crossed your limits. Before that I thought that I will just destroy your company but you just have to ruin that. Now your son will stay in prison. I don't know for how long though..." Gguk said.

"Tell court to take their order back.." Mr.Lee said..

"And you think you will say and we will do that." Kook said..

"Just get lost from here. You can't do anything." Gguk said.

"Taehyung tell them to take their order back." Krista said.

"It's just starting Krista there are more to go. You and your father are next. I wanted to destroy you first but this old man here, just ruin my plan." Tae said.

"Stop this Taehyung. Why are you doing this" Krista shouted..

"Don't shout Krista this is not your father's company, that you will talk however you want." Tae said.

"It not your either." Mr.Han said.

"Who said this to you hmm." Tae said

"You know because of your this mouth you son is in jail now. Don't you think you should shut it down." Tae said.

"Anyways we have more things to do. Get out from here now." Tae said.

"Who are you to order me huh!?" Mr.Han shouted.

Tae stand up from there and came closer to Mr.Han.

"Well I am the one who can destroy you all and just leave you with nothing and can make you beg on the road. I have enough. You know my families didn't shouted on me and here you are shouting unnecessary. So before I lose my patience. Take your ugly faces and get out from here." Tae said with his deep voice.

"Who do you call ugly huh!?" Krista yelled.

"Ofcourse you." Tae said boringly and sat on his place.

Krista and Mr.Han leave from there angrily.

Both twins hugged him..

"Calm down Bubba.." Kook said.

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