Chapter 9: Graduation

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10 Years till Canon

Naruto hummed as he sat on his father's head. Yesterday had been the Academy Graduation, it seemed like the past three months had just flown by. Not only that but it seemed like the past two years since his desire to restart the Shinobi Era had gone by in a flash. After two years he would have his first batch of Genin, his first group of Shinobi to aid him in the creation of a better world. He did not doubt that many more would soon follow, in time his Village would prosper with an army of thousands of capable Shinobi. It would not be entirely impossible to amass such a force in the upcoming years, especially with the number of children being brought into the village, it would simply be a struggle. He expected when he started planning raids on the Slave Auction houses, Warehouse's even the so called holy land Mariejois, Uzu would find itself home to hundreds of new recruits.

As his force expanded no doubt the number of refugees arriving in Uzushiogakure would expand as well, seeing a substantial boost in population. He was estimating he could build a shinobi force of close to three thousand Shinobi by the time he was ready to begin his plans. Of course his force wouldn't just include Shinobi he was starting to think about creating another academy, specifically for those who wished to fight for Uzu but were too old to have their chakra unlocked. There they would be taught Taijutsu and Bukijutsu seeing as the two arts did not require the use of chakra while studying the fighting methods of the present in order to bolster Uzu's military might.

Naruto thought this to be a sound plan, as he had already spoken to one or two new members of Uzu who had found refuge in his village. The two he had spoken to as of late had led past lives as Marine's but left when they discovered how truly corrupt the World Government was. Naruto thought by only having a military of chakra users it would significantly limit the size of Uzushio's forces, by adding to Uzu's military soldiers who did not rely on chakra he could easily triple Uzushio's, Military Might. He also made a note to begin the creation of a Research and Development department, combining today's technologies with the applications of chakra, if he could combine the two it would be a godsend. Chakra was incredibly versatile and if it could be combined with current technology, Uzu would stand at the apex of a new technological age. He made a mental note to speak to Dominic about it, although young the boy was incredibly intelligent, having already added the application of seals to his weaponry.

some great ambition and looking at him Uzu will rise to the top, mumble hashirama.

Naruto had gone over the numbers in his head, it would be hard to bolster a military force of ten thousand able bodied, but with enough hard work and careful planning, it was doable. He would have to look at just for the Shinobi Academy alone a total of three hundred Genin graduating each year to make up the numbers. Then there were the non-chakra users who would make up the bulk of Uzu's military, he would need close to seven hundred capable warriors added into service each year. Those were ideal numbers, but he would be pushing to even reach those numbers during the first few years. Realistically for the first few years, he would like at least a hundred new genin and triple that in non-chakra wielders. As time grew closer to the beginning of his goals, he would have to bolster it to close to three thousand men and women entering Uzu's service every year, up to five hundred of those recruits would need to be chakra wielders.

Of course, by allowing Refugee's from around the world to take up citizenship in Uzu, he was expecting a fraction of them to have some knowledge of self-defense. He could then capitalise on their current knowledge and build upon it. Perhaps he should see if he could recruit Marines who were disgruntled with the current regime, he made sure to note to not just look at Marine's, but those who had been jilted by the current World Government. Surely they would be a few thousand who would gladly move to Uzu if it meant taking up arms against the corrupt.

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