Princess time

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The day after exams, the moment I reached school there are loud chatters; excited students, angry ones, happy ones. Everyone is looking forward to it.

The princess time.
The day where there are no classes solely for the chairman's grand daughter examinations. Everyone has the right to have the merit of additional 50 to the total test scores and a request to the chairman if they can bring her to the exam room given that she agrees to it willingly. A crazy idea but it is quite good to have a short break after hard days of studying.

"Morning my Rai! Are yah participating today?" greeted Drake as soon as I entered the room.

"Morning Rai! are you joining?" greeted by my classmates in chorus.

"Well , I'm not. but I'm hoping you all can have fun" I replied as soon as I put down my bag I started reading in my book. Minutes after, an announcement can be heard in the speakers.

"Good Morning Students. This day is a private event , the princess time -" Said by the voice in the announcement, from there louder chatters of students can be heard even outside of the room getting excited from this event.

"As what everyone knows, same task, same rules and same merits countdown of three hours, the testing room is in the third floor beside bio room . Good luck students in finding the princess." then it stopped and everyone cheered and yelled so loud and started running, minutes had passed a few of us were remained in the room.

"Hey Raiii! let's find her, I'm bored" Drake who was also left in the room approached and starts disturbing me.

"You're annoying go find her yourself." I brushed him off and continued reading.

"Okaaaay. I'm going first hey you wanna join with me? let's find my princess" He invited the man also left in the room named Chris, he cheerfully agreed, also two other come with him. He bid goodbye and jokingly said that he'd returned with a wife, I laugh and commented too gay at him, they left and now I'm alone, I continued reading but finished it in a moment. I scanned through another book but I eventually got bored. now what should I do ? maybe I'll look around for a bit and also buy food.

I went around, everywhere I go the students were searching every rooms, I cant understand why they wanted to participate with this so much when all I can see that it is quite a hassle because the school is big so there are many places to look at. Worthless people only go to the extent of losing pride just to gain in return how sickening, how pitiful.

A while of walking that I've decided to went for the cafeteria to have a drink; it is quite a long walk from my building up to there but since I do not have anything to do I might as well go to the art room.

" Hey! Look what we have here." Called out by someone, because I already knew who it was and that meeting him would be so much a pain, I pretended not to hear and walked fast. When he realized that I'm ignoring him, he also walk faster until he decided to run that he'd catch up to me.

"Are you that afraid to face me huh!" He said trying to stop me but I kept on walking, still ignoring him. "HEY!" He wailed in anger and hold my shoulder stopping me.

"Oh, why? are you calling me?" Innocently asking him as I looked back.

"Don't pretend to be a goody, let's have a contest!" He challenged again, He's Dominic Perez the 2nd place in school well that it don't matter to me since our score are in a large gap. Every time I see him he'd challenged me, but the results were always so obvious; he always lost

"I'm not in the mood to beat you." I nonchalantly responded.

"How dare! If you think you are so good because you beat me, you got it all wrong, I was just letting you feel like you win!" He boastfully responded laughing with his heads up; Some students have already noticed the commotion because his persistence is very known and the idea that I was being challenged again, The gossips have probably spread fast that more are approaching, some who have themselves busy with finding the brat had stopped and focused at watching the scenario like it was some sort of a show.

"Thank you for letting me beat you for the 25th time." I curtly said and smirked. The students started laughing, some teased while some encouraged him hoping for a longer show ; I looked at him with his face painted all red and anyone can notice he's fuming with anger of losing his face at the crowd. I needed to get away fast, more people will be here in a while if news reached my father that I acted inappropriately I'll be dead. I turn around supposing he had given up and started walking but then he called me again. I let out a deep sigh annoyingly stopped, how did I let him waste my time with this non sense.

"This will be the last time you'll win, I challenge you, the one who can find the princess will be the winner! I'll defeat you for sure and you'll bow to me!" he bravely announced in the crowd. loud chatters can be heard and this time some students whistled, admired by his courage.

"Do whatever you want." then I waved and started walking away.

After a moment I've bought a drink and went to the art room, I took me a while since this building is desolated from the main campus because only stock rooms and equipments are all in here and also the guard's room is in the first level and an old piano room; that is the reason why I like this place it is so quiet, so peaceful, the stress and the pressure that have been building up from me always disappear when I relax here with the smell of the things that I secretly loved.

I suddenly remembered Dominic, how crazy he is, he probably won't find her so I let him also to make him stop with his craziness, such a fool. I head toward the window and sit there, I placed my head at the edge for support and closed my eyes.

It's been a while since I went here, it was probably last year since I'm so much busy in the business these months and that if ever I have free time I'll go at the council. I looked at the room, never thought this could be so much a mess when I wasn't around but it'll be obvious considering that this is now Art room 2 and that is used as the storage for the used and unused supplies; but it is my haven and I sneakingly protested the renovation of this building back then.

"Hiding what I love, I'm probably the fool one." I blurted and I closed my eyes again trying to sleep.


A noise have disturbed my doze and I instinctively stood up and search from where the noise came from. Scanning the area I found a light brown carpet that I didn't even see when I got here. It probably fell off must be that those who'd place it just left without overseeing if it's gonna fall. I was just gonna ignore it but it just move, my eyes widened, shocked from what I see; a girl's head pop out from the pole of the folded carpet.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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