crybaby (5)

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Yoongi's pov

When my mother told me about this marriage I was shocked and saddened at the same time as she had taken an amount from them in exchange of me but then I was welcomed whole heartedly by that family

For a moment I forgot that I was actually bought there ... The family had given an amount to my mother

But I was pulled back to the reality when he;

"Strip!!...right now and get on the bed , I don't have much time!" He said to me like I was a doll or a prostitute who was there just to pleasure him

"Haven't you heard me ?? Remove your clothes !!" He said again but I didn't do as he told

I wanted to ask him for a chance to build our relationship stronger, I wanted to ask him to give me sometime to know him and in that time he will also get to know about me

"You're so annoying !!" He said approaching me with an annoyed face and pushed me on the bed before I could say anything

He untied his tie and removed his shirt throwing it somewhere on the floor

"I ..... D... don't....want t............................."

"Did I ask you ?? No , right !!" He said cutting me in mid sentence

It's not my first time getting r*ped but .... It was different from that , we were married and he was my husband at least he shouldn't r*pe me like they did!


Jin's pov

I was already annoyed but that little boy was annoying me even more by not doing what I told him to do so I just had to use my own way!!.....I don't care whatever he will think about me but I just want to get out of this shit as soon as possible and that will be possible only when my mother will get her grandkids

But as I touched him his eyes went teary

"Don't cry !! Aren't we supposed to do this ?? Aren't we married ?? Then why are crying like I'm gonna force you into this ??" I asked him

"Hy ....hyung ....I ....don't .....want ....this .... please!!" He said and tears escaped his eyes

"First of all,don't call me hyung !! .... I just ...don't like this word by your mouth and second , why are you not ready for this ?? Are you a kid ?? Didn't you know that this was coming for you !!" I said and he sobbed

Ignoring his cries I removed his shirt and he didn't even stop me , like I thought that he'd protest but he was just keep crying instead of doing anything ..... His upper body was naked and

"What is it ?? Where have you got these scars ??" I asked as he was so pale and soft but his soft skin had so many scars

He didn't say anything and kept crying

"Oh God just f*cking open your damn mouth instead of crying !!" I said as I felt irritated

"Fine , don't speak then ... !!" I said and started leaving wet kisses on his skin

Honestly he was hell attractive , there was no need for him to seduce anyone ..... I slipped my right hand to his pants unbuttoning it and he gasped and held my hand

"What??" I asked and he shook his head in *no* with pleading eyes again

"Sorry but not sorry !!" I said and again took my hand to his lower body but he again held my hand and did the same annoying shit

Boy with a womb(YOONJIN) Where stories live. Discover now