A plan (16)

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When hobi came back ...he went to amusement park with yoongi and his mother

They came from there in the evening all tired but happy

"I loved it ...I loved it .... Thankyou soo much for taking me there !!" Said yoongi giggling and jumping in happiness

It was his first time in amusement park and he loved it

"Oh oh .... Be careful , meow!!" Said hobi's mother chuckling

"Meow ??" Said yoongi in confusion

"Hyung , you look like a cat I swear !!" Said hobi and yoongi giggled

"Shall I talk in meow language then ??" Said yoongi

"Meow language ?? ...yeah okay talk !!" Said their mother

"Mom , meow meow meow ....meow meow !!!" Said yoongi and they burst into laughter including yoongi

He was happy indeed , it was showing on his face and his adorable gummy smile was enough to make anyone smile

"You look so pretty while smiling .... Keep smiling my baby !!" She said adoring yoongi

Soon everyone came and saw yoongi's happiness level !!

"Hmm , someone's all giggly today .... Looks good !!" Said their father and namjoon smiled gently looking at yoongi

Vminkook also came and joined yoongi in his happiness

"You should've taken me along !!" Said jungkook pouting sadly

"Next time when hobi and mom will take me out I will take you with me , kookie!! ..... Mom said that she won't lock me in and ...she said I'm free and I can ...I ..... Can ...... I'm free!!" Said yoongi happily sighing in relief

At night after dinner when everyone was in their own respective rooms doing their own work ,The door bell rang and jungkook hurriedly ran to open the door as he was the only one watching TV

Drunk Jin was standing at the door step

"Hyung , I missed you !!" Said jungkook hugging Jin

"Oww , my baby .... Thank God .... At least ....someone ...missed me ..in this house !!" Said Jin talking while almost swinging

"No ...I'm mad at you ....you have hurt yoongi-hyung , he was ...crying !!" Said jungkook crossing his arms over his chest and pouted in anger

"Oh ... So you just listened to him but not me ?? .... He has hurt me too but did you ...ask me if I am fine or not ??" Said Jin acting like he was hurt too

"Yoongi-hyung has hurt you ?? ....where ??" Asked Jungkook concerning for Jin

"He has hurt me badly ... You should care for me instead of him !!" Said Jin manipulating jungkook and he succeed

"Hyung , I'm sorry .... I thought ...only you've hurt him but .... Did you both hurt each other ??" Asked Jungkook innocently and Jin nodded

"Hyung , where were you yesterday ??" Asked Jungkook holding jin's hand and almost dragged him inside

"I was .... I ....was at a .... Where was I ??" Said Jin acting like he forgot where he was staying

"Hyung , how am I supposed to know that where were you ??.... Hyung , mom will scold you for drinking too much !!" Said jungkook

"When did she not scold me ?? ...she is always scolding me especially since .... Since ....that bastard has arrived !!" Said Jin aggressively

Boy with a womb(YOONJIN) Where stories live. Discover now