Where Were You?

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Ah, chapter 5 already? Man, guess I'm on a roll writing this story, huh. Well, let's get into it, shall we?


Shoutout and appreciation for my friend: JoonDaddy'sLeftTiddy. Love you~

First off: I do not own BTS this is purely fictional, only thing I own is the story and it's plot!
Second: There will some gore, violence/abuse, emotional damage; so please be prepared when you read.
Third: I haven't written anything for a while, so please be patient and understanding if it sucks!
Fourth: I will try to keep this story updated best I can; but I am a grad student; so please bare with me!
Lastly: Just a few notes: Anything in italics is usually inner monologue/thoughts of a character. ***If an entire section is written in italics with asterisks; it's a memory.***
Anything written normal text is details/character interactions/dialogue. If you see anything in bold It's just extra or 4th wall effects. Asterisks in a set of three (***) is basically a page/section break.

Enjoy the new chapter lovely armies (and nonbelievers!) heehee~


"Spill it! Who did you meet last night? After you so conveniently ran to the restroom, I didn't see you the rest of the night!" Jimin was sitting across from Y/N on her bed, legs crossed with a cheesy grin on his face. 

"Um, well..." I can't tell him what I saw yet, I'm not ready...  "Ah, I ran into that really hot guy! You know...the one from the elevators."

"No way, Y/N! There's no way that's just a coincidence! It has to be fate!" Jimin squealed. "Wait, did you go home with him?!" His eyes got wide and he inched closer to her.

"I, well, yeah. But before you even say anything, nothing happened!" She placed a finger over his lips seeing he was about to bombard her with questions. "I just drank too much and passed out. He took me home...and actually took care of me..." 

Jimin's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, you're telling me you were passed out drunk, a random man took you home, and didn't try to get in your pants?" He gasped and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Girl, you better have gotten his number! He clearly isn't just an average guy!"

She smiled shyly at him. "Well, I didn't exactly get his number...but I put mine in his phone and told him to call me so I could at least treat him to a meal to thank him." 

"Ugh! Why didn't you make him put his number in your phone? Aish, I swear sometimes you're clueless!" Jimin clicked his tongue in exasperation. "If he doesn't call you, we're going to hunt him down and you're going to accidentally run into him." He made finger quotes when he said accidentally.

"I'm sure he will! He was actually really nice to me...and, oh my god! He made me breakfast! Even though it was just a simple omelet, I don't know what he did to it but I took one bite and literally had a food-gasm!" 

Jimin rolled his eyes with a laugh. "Wow, if only he knew that capturing your stomach is the same as capturing your heart. You've fallen for him, and now you've definitely swooned for his cooking. He's got you. Hook, line, and sinker."

A dusting of pink graced her cheeks from the sudden blood rush in her face. "Jiminie!" She playfully smacked his chest. "Enough about my night, what about yours? You have told me a total of nothing after I left!" 

Jimin blinked a few times before smiling shyly. "Ah, about that...I actually was trying to find you because you were gone so long and got stopped by...this guy."

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