Some Backstory - Part 5

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Ines looked at his back while walking into the suite again. The suit jacket sat impeccably over his broad shoulders and his brown hair shone from the sunlight dancing from the window. He looked back at her slowly while continuing to wipe his jaw with his fingers like he now could feel where the blood had been.
"Follow me..." he murmured and walked to his bedroom. Ines looked at him in shock. She swallowed dryly and wondered if what he had done made him want to come close to her. If the adrenaline from violence made his body explode in passion. Would he finally let her touch him?

They walked into the bedroom together and Vincent motioned to the bed.
"Sit," he said and Ines did what was told. She looked around in the room but it was so impersonal she couldn't find a thing to look at. She didn't notice the Marquis walking into the bedroom until she heard a shuffle from clothes being taken off. She turned her eyes towards the bathroom and looked at the light coming out from the open door in surprise. She couldn't see him but could hear the clothes land on the bathroom floor but also her own heartbeat, so loud it seemed like it came from outside of her body.
"He was useless..." said Vincent suddenly, he seemed oblivious to Ines beating heart and nerves shuffling on the bed.
"The potential buyer... He was just useless..."
Ines heard him walk into the shower with a sigh and then how the shower turned on.
She tried to process what he was saying, instead she just thought about his naked body under the shower stream.
"What do you mean?" She said to win time to try to figure out what to do.
Vincent answered something but it got muffled by the shower.
"What?" She asked and stood up. Both the interest of what he was saying and seeing him made her walk up to the door. She didn't peak even if she wanted to.
"I didn't hear what you said."
The Marquis turned off the shower and was silent for a while.
"Come in."
"In the shower?" She said in shock but also obvious excitement.
"The bathroom," he said sharply. "Blurred out glass," he continued.

Ines flashed red. She wanted to hit her head against the door but he would hear that. She took a deep breath and tried to shake off the embarrassment before walking into the bathroom. She could just see the shape of his body through the blurry glass but just that made her blush again. He was actually naked just in front of her.
"I said that we didn't need that man," said Vincent coldly while Ines could see him shampooing his hair. She had a feeling what he meant and sat down on the toilet lid. Her heart beated hard in her chest, but from excitement. Had he actually killed a man because he wasn't the buyer he wanted?
"You killed him?" Said Ines. You couldn't hear any emotions in her voice and maybe that was the reason why he was silent a few seconds before answering.
"I wouldn't say kill, for that you must have had a life and that sorry ass of a man had nothing."
Ines could feel a tingle in her stomach while he talked so emotionlessly and it spread down to her lower areas.
"Is that the reason you are helping me sell the painting? To kill people off?"
Vincent sighed and turned off the shower.
"Honey, don't run away crying now."
"I will not cry! God, I am a woman, yes but I can still be fucking badass!"
Vincent laughed.
"I know. I know everything about you."

Ines looked at his blurry profile and swallowed hard.
"I know we're more similar than anyone would believe."
She looked down at her hands in horror. She knew what he meant but didn't say anything. He talked so freely about the horrible things he did but she had never opened the lid to her darker sides.
She licked her lips and looked up at him again. He had put on the shower again and sighed in contentment.
She didn't want to think about her story and could only see one way to forget about it all. That's why she walked on light feet towards the shower. That's why she slowly but determinedly pulled the glass door of the shower to the side and looked at The Marquis' tall body and soft skin.


It didn't go at all as Ines had thought. She was so prepared that her eyes would be lustful and sexy when the marquis turned around but instead her eyes were full of shock and horror. He gave her an angry look and pushed the door closed violently.
"Out!" He screamed and Ines ran out with her eyes almost falling out of their sockets.

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