• Sunday Morning

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I'm awaken by the bright sunlight shining into mine and Lorenzo's room.

Just as I'm about to get up I feel Enzo's arms wrap around me. "Enzo." I whisper.

"Five more minutes." He mumbles into my neck.

I smile slightly and just cuddle into him. We stay like that for about two-ish minutes until we hear the cries of our seven month old daughter.

I go to get up but Enzo's arms are still tight around me. "Enzo, I need to go get our daughter. I'll come back with her."

He grumbles something inaudible and let's go of me.

I walk to Liliana's nursery and see that she somehow managed to sit herself up and is crying waiting for me.

"Hi Lily!"  I coo.  "Come to mama."

I take her in my arms and she starts to calm down. 

I go sit in the rocking chair and I feed her and once she's done I change her.

"Let's go see daddy."  I smile which she returns.

Once I make it into our room Lily immediately starts to babble and reach out for her dad.

"Dada."  She gets out.

She's been able to say a few words, her first word was dada though.

"Hey baby girl."  Enzo smiles and takes Lily into his arms.  "Did you have a good sleep?"  Lily only babbles and plays with her hands.

I sit beside him in the bed and we just sit there for a while talking and playing with Lily.

"I'm going to make breakfast."  I get up and kiss both their heads.

For breakfast I made some waffles with fresh berries.  And for Lily I made her a plate of crushed banana and peanut butter; it's her favourite.

"Looks good babe."  Enzo comes into the kitchen with Lily in his arms.  Lily sees her plate of banana and peanut butter and starts to kick and flail her arms and legs.

Enzo puts Lily in her high chair and we start to eat.

"Mama!"  Lily says, signalling that she wants more food.  Enzo and I laugh and I give her some.

Once we are all finished and dishes are put in the dishwasher we head upstairs to get ready for the day.

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