Part 2- A (poorly timed) confession

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No one's POV°-

The two vocaloids just stood in the room, staring at eachother awkwardly.

"Are you gonna say something Gakupo-kun?" Kaito asked, trying to break the silence.

"You looked kinda cute while you were crying." Gakupo said out of nowhere, probably zoned out.

"Eh!?" The blue-haired twink's eyes widened, confused, yet flattered at the same time.

"Did I say that out loud-?" The purple haired samurai's cheeks blushed a light pink out of embarrassment.

"You did, dumbass." Kaito laughed as Gakupo's face got even more red.

"Shut up!" He playfully pushed the shorter virtual singer, "You heard nothing!"

"I heard everything you said, got something to say Gakkun~?" Kaito teased, chuckling as he poked him on the nose, "You think I'm cute?"
The samurai nodded in response, face bright red from embarassment.

The bluenette giggled at Gakupo's embarrassment before being quickly shut up by a sudden kiss on his lips.



"Did you just kiss me-?!"


"I was gonna say I wanted to break up, but I guess the feeling's mutual, eh?" Meiko laughed, standing at the doorway with Luka behind her.

"WAH?! Meiko-chan?! Since when were you here?!" Kaito gasped, shocked at seeing Meiko and Luka suddenly appear.

"So I guess we aren't together now?" The older female singer reached her hand out to Kaito for a handshake, to which he accepted and shook her hand.

"I suppose, but I'd like to just be friends." Kaito responded.

"Just be friends? Like my song!?" Luka joked.
"Shut up"
"Shut up"
"Shut up"
Meiko, Kaito and Gakupo all said in unison.

"Sorry." Luka bowed as an apology, whispering something in Meiko's ear before pulling her away.

"Kaito-sama, do I have your permission to kiss you again?" Gakupo asked, holding Kaito's hands.

"Sure..?" He reluctantly nodded, immediately being pulled into a gentle kiss by the taller singer.

Kaito blushes as soon as his lips touch the other man's, enjoying the softness of his lips. His lips part slightly as Gakupo's tongue slips between his lips, causing him to moan softly.

Gakupo's left hand remains behind Kaito's head, gripping his hair gently as his right hand slides down to Kaito's waist. He pulls away from the kiss, nuzzling his face into the crook of Kaito's neck. "You know, Kaito-sama."

"Just call me Kaito, but what do you need?" Kaito asks, blushing slightly as he looked down at Gakupo's head resting against him.

"I've liked you for awhile now, ever since I've laid my eyes on you. You're so charming and pretty." He whispers into his ear, gently nipping at his earlobe.

Kaito's face grew even more red, hugging him loosely. "E-eh..?!" He stammered out as Gakupo bit him on the neck gently, leaving a subtle mark.

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