Can I Lay In Your Bed All Day?

9 1 0

No summary, just some tooth rotting fluff.

I literally came up with this while listening to Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner so this was quickly thought up.

None, no profanity or anything.

Word Count;

It had been the late weeks of autumn as it got closer to winter, and it was getting colder and colder in Chicago everyday and the wind was becoming more fierce by the passing hours. Unfortunately the radiator, which was probably older than your parents, didn't warm your room or house up all that much and stopped very often, so you would just have blankets piled up on top of you.

Thankfully, your best friends had working heaters that ran throughout their houses, and they were very kind to let you stay at their place for a couple hours or even stay the night when it was coldest.

"Hey, Patrick. Thank you so much for letting me come over, I think this was the coldest it's been so far, I would've frozen to death!" You joke, standing at Patrick's doorstep, bundled up all sorts as it was 20 some degrees outside.

"Yeah, of course Y/n. You know you're always welcome here, come in before you freeze." Patrick says with a smile on his face, closing the door after you'd already gone inside.

You take all of your coats and scarf off and hang them on his mom's coat rack, a spot always there for yours because of how often you were there now.

"Patrick, is that Y/n?" Patrick's mom called out from the kitchen.

"Yeah, they're here, mom!" Patrick called back.

You followed behind him into the kitchen and went to hug his mom when you saw her.

"Hey, Ms Stumph. How have you been?"

"Hey, Y/n. I've been the same since the last time you saw me 2 days ago. How about you, hon?" She joked.

"That's good. I've been cold, that's about the same it's been, though." You laugh.

Patrick smiled. He loves how you and his mom get along so well and how you two already knew each other well enough to be so close.

"Good thing it's nice and warm in here then. Alright, you two go and hang out, I'm making lunch now and I'll call you two over when it's done."

"Alright, mom. Thank you." Patrick says, hugging her.

Patrick begins walking out of the kitchen and you follow behind him, giving Ms Stump a thank you before leaving.

Patrick's house was always so homey. The brown carpet played throughout the floors of the home, the old brown wooden panels on the walls, and even the smell an old house has.

Patrick enters his room and sits on his bed, you going and sitting next to him.

"Do you want a blanket?"

"Please." You say, smiling at Patrick.

Patrick gets up and goes into his closet, pulling out a big blue and grey blanket.

"Here, both of us could share it." Patrick says, throwing the blanket at you and falls onto the bed.

You unfold it, that is if you could even call it folded when it was just lazily balled up, and spread it out, laying it on top of Patrick and it wrapped around you, still sitting up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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