5. Wet Laundry

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Third-Person POV:

"Are you serious?!" Jack groaned as he roughly tugged Myles off the bed and onto the thankfully wooded floor, which caused an audible squish to come from Myles leaking diaper. The last thing Jack wanted to be doing was cleaning up a grown man's pissy accident... or at least somebody who was SUPPOSED to be a grown man.

"I do NOT want to have to clean up your gross accidents!" Jack once again vocalized his annoyance as he took off the wet sheets and threw them onto Myles lap. "Go! Take them and put them in the damn wash!" He demanded "O-ok!" Myles squeaked as he scurried off to the laundry room down the hall, praying he wouldn't accidentally get his piss anywhere else..

Myles Lopez's POV:

I didn't mean to leak through my diaper, really! Jack just scared me lots, he's way more big 'n scary from when I last saw him. Why aren't I big or scary anymore? It isn't fair! I better be quick, though, or else I may get into more trouble than I already am. Hopefully, he won't punish me like how daddy usually does... I don't think I'd be able to handle it; I struggled while trying to open the washing machine. I'm sad that I'm not as strong as I used to be. I used to have really big muscles, like Superman! but not anymore ever since mommy started making me wear diapers again. Oh well, at least I'm still cute!

Jack Caddell's POV:

What a fucking brat! He seems to be just as insufferable as he was back then. But no, I am not going to stand for it this time. I already finished cleaning whatever spots were left on the mattress, which thankfully wasn't much considering the sheets soaked up most of it but it was still gross as hell, I can't imagine being able to handle changing diapers. I begin to search through all the drawers and the closet in his bedroom-.. basically nursey, considering the oversized changing table and all the stupid toys lying around. There was nothing but oversized baby clothes, packages of diapers and boxes in the closet, mostly toys were found other than some knick-knacks in the drawers and the last place I snoop is in the changing table drawers, I found diapers, creams and powders. As I expected. Huh- wait, what the hell is this? I pull out a hard, wooden like object out of the left drawer; it happened to be buried underneath all the diapers. I examine it further and come to realize that it's a literal paddle, used for spanking. I can't help but laugh at the thought, Myles, former high-school rugby star, being pulled over somebody's knee and spanked with a paddle. At least now I know his parents are doing something right.. maybe I should do it too, who knows, it might knock some sense into him.

Third-Person POV:

Myles came back from the laundry room in a rush, still dreading on the thought of what Jack may do to him out of grudge.

You done?" Jack barked harshly as he watched Myles shyly shuffle back into the oversized nursey.

Myles nodded his head, though his focus was set on the fact that it seemed Jack was digging through the drawers below for some reason.

"M-mhm, I'm really sorry-"

"ZIP IT; I don't want to hear it! Just get over here, now." Jack demanded, with Myles immediately obeying and scurrying over to the much taller man in a matter of seconds.

"This is probably going to hurt a little-well, more like a lot," Jack warned Myles, and before he question the sudden warning, Jack then grabbed his wrist and pulled him over his knee, with a heart-shaped paddle keeping Jack's other hand busy.

This wasn't going to be good.

5. Wet Laundry END

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