Chapter 2

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Ike went to pick Uki up from the airport, they went for dinner in Stockholm then got home, realising they wouldn't have to say goodbye to each other ever again.


Woo chapter 2 is out!! This one isn't based on anything really, I just wanted to write a cute fluff chapter where they spend some quality time. I kinda overfilled it with feelings and all but I just love it like that! Hope you enjoy!!


It was six o'clock and Ike was jumping in place at the airport as he craned his neck to find his lover in the big group of people passing through Uki's gate. He was overexcited at the thought of seeing his boyfriend again, knowing - but still processing - that they would never have to say goodbye again after this.

The novelist still couldn't believe all of this was happening. This felt so surreal. He was so used to seeing them for a couple days - or sometimes, when they could afford it, a few weeks - before having to say goodbye, never knowing when he'd see them again, that he couldn't imagine how things would feel when goodbyes were no more. Starting today, Ike and Uki would be able to go to bed together every evening, wake up next to each other every morning, go grocery shopping hand in hand like any couple, fight for kitchen rights - though Uki would win those anyway - and many more.

Finally, Psychic Writer would feel like any couple on earth, never missing each other's presence ever again. And Ike had something planned for Uki before getting home, knowing exactly by which time they had to get back in order for Uki to be able to set up for his collab in time. Ike still wanted to make this feel even more special despite all the rush they were in. He just hoped Uki wouldn't mind too much. But then again, Uki was the one who started the unprompted surprises, so, truly, he had no right to be mad, right?

When the whole group exiting Uki's gate dispersed, Ike got worried. Where was his lover? Had he missed him? Had he been so lost in thoughts he hadn't noticed him coming out of the gate? A wave of anxiety filled him quickly, the man already typing on his phone at inhuman speed to try and call the psychic.

Ike was about to hit the call button when a pretty hand with long, slender fingers adorned with beautiful, long, purple fake nails took his phone out of his own, gloved hands. Looking up, Ike's green eyes met with a pair of heterophob- sorry, heterochromatic eyes, and his ears were greeted by a softly spoken: 「ただいま」.

Tears instantly formed behind the man's glasses as he welcomed them in a breathy voice: 「おかえり」. He wrapped his arms around the other's neck, hiding his face in their neck, taking a deep breath in. Uki's presence, their warmth, was enough to make Ike's head spin in happiness, comfort washing over him and his anxiety running away. Still speaking into their neck, not daring to let go of his hold on them, the novelist asked: "So, you're really there, right? It's not the work of my crazy imagination making me believe we're here together tonight, right?"

Uki laughed softly, rubbing his back and patting his head. "No, babes, it's not your pretty imagination working magic." He kissed his forehead and pulled away from him, looking him in the eyes. "I'm not leaving you anymore, Ikey. I'm here, and I'm staying. You won't be able to get rid of me, you might actually get tired of me."

"Never." was all that the blue boy responded before leaning in for a much needed kiss. It wasn't a long or lustful kiss, but more of a "I missed you so much" kind of kiss. It wasn't needy or hungry, but more passionate and tender. When they broke away, butterflies still doing back-flips in their stomach, Ike grabbed some of Uki's bags, leaving them to hold only onto Ukinya's cage and a single bag, and together they exited the airport and walked towards the car. "By the way, is it okay if we stop somewhere in Stockholm for dinner before heading home? I promise you'll be back in time to set up for your collab. I just thought you might be hungry by now, and I know a cute little coffee shop that serves delicious hot drinks and sweet foods. Ukinya will also be more than welcomed there, the owner might just offer a bowl of milk for them."

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