Chapter 7

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Uki finally decides on asking Ike to teach him how to do a metal scream. They end talking about collabs and such together as well, making projects together (honestly Author-san just wanna throw everything they wanna see with those two angels and is in pure need of Ukike interactions)


Literally went through fifty thousand mood swings and phases while writing this, you guys, but I hope you'll enjoy this regardless. It's full of fluff, childish actions, sexual tensions, serious conversations and whatever the hell I don't know anymore. Anyway. If you follow me on Twitter, you may or may not have seen me go through everything while writing this ozjfjhjlj

Anyway, enjoy!!!!


Uki was standing by Ike's booth door, silently listening to what their boyfriend was saying to their chat. They had heard him mention their name, and therefore they couldn't help but eavesdrop. They knew he wasn't saying anything bad, it just felt nice to hear about it like that, without it being told directly to them. They even got to learn a few things Ike had never told them about their performance before.

"I was very nervous," Ike was saying, "because Uki was so in their element with that." He went on explaining how it felt all so natural for the psychic while he wasn't used to singing calm songs like that at all on his side. "I felt like I looked at a master at work, so I learnt a lot from them."

Of course, Uki was definitely not blushing, right? Yeah, forget it, he was blushing madly. And it wasn't the end of it. Ike was explaining how they didn't have any choreography planned for their duet, and just went with the flow. "My favourite part of it", Ike then said, "is every time, at the end of the chorus, when we would gesture towards each other, it just-" Ike hesitated for a second, as his next words might give everything away, but still went for it - truth be told, he had felt Uki's presence at the door and decided to take that opportunity to make the man as flustered as possible. "It would get me all butterfly-y."

And Uki physically choked and fell to their knees. Literally. Their legs gave out under them and they fell to the ground, heart beating at light speed, a hand over their mouth as they held their scream in. They didn't expect Ike to be this blunt, and they didn't expect him to actually have felt anything from that performance.

Maybe the purple man was underestimating their lover's feelings for them, they thought as they weakly crawled their way to their bedroom. Uki truly needed to take a second to lay down and breathe.

And there stayed Uki, resting on the bed and waiting for the other to finish his stream.

An hour or so later, Ike came into the room to find a sleeping Uki Violeta on their bed, their face still a light shade of red. He walked to them and crouched next to the bed, moving a few strands of hair from their face. "How are you this cute? Sneaking around my booth and listening in, huh? You can only blame yourself for getting all flustered like that, babes." He had his Eki voice on, and it immediately woke Uki up, the pretty man feeling their face heat up once again. "Oh, good afternoon." Ike greeted them with a smile, his voice back to the usual. "Did you sleep well?"

Uki replied with another question, their voice slightly groggy from sleeping: "Was that you just now, or Eki? Regardless, that was hot as fuck." Ike rolled his eyes as he got on the bed and cuddled Uki from behind, placing small kisses behind their ear. Uki sighed softly: "Did singing with me really give you butterflies?"

It was Ike's turn to sigh softly as he replied with a smile: "Uki, you always give me butterflies. It's a constant feeling in my stomach whenever you're around me or whenever I think of you. It will forever feel like a dream, being with you, being loved by you, everything. I will never get used to it, but it's alright. I don't ever wanna get used to it."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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