Really..? {Chpt 4}

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(Continuing from last chapter)

While the 2 brothers were watching TV with the kids (Changbin decided to go to the kitchen with his mom and aunty)

Jisung randomly asked "hey min, wanna go to a club tomorrow to have some brotherly time?"

Seungmin whipped him head towards his older brother with wide eyes

"... Really?.. " Seungmin said, his lips forming into a straight line

"What?? I just want to hang out with my Lil bro after so longgggg~" Jisung whined

Seungmin shakes his head "Ok but at a club.. Really Jisung??.."

Jisung smiled big "Yeah!! It'll be fun trust!!" He said as he pulled seungmin into a tight hug

"Idk Hyung.." Seungmin said trying to get out of the hug

"Please please please! Pretty pleaseeee with so many strawberries on toppppp!" Jisung begged not letting go of his little brother

Chan and Yongbok just stared at them then looked back at the TV

"Ywou're appa ish weird.." Yongbok says while still facing the TV

"Hey! My Appa ish Nwort weird!" Chan said with a frown on his face as he looked at Yongbok

Yongbok just shrugged and pointed to the TV

"Twhat wooks like wou" She said

"..." Chan just stared at the TV with a grumpy look and arms folded

(Back to the brothers)

"Ugh.. Fine Fine, I'll go with you just because someone has to keep an eye on you after the last time" Seungmin says finally Agreeing

"YAYY!! We'll have sooo much fun!!" Jisung says as he squeezes the life out of Seungmin

"I'll have to tell Minho-ah ill be out with you tomorrow" Seungmin says as he finally got out of the hug catching his breathe

Jisung just smiled wide as Seungmin stood up and went to the kitchen

.......... (Meanwhile with the wives).........

Minho was cutting up some vegetables and meat while Hyunjin was setting up with pots and pans on the stove

"Ok Minho-shi the stove is ready wwhenever" Hyunjin spoke

Minho turned around and nodded "Thank you Jinnie" she says as she went over and started cooking

"Let me know if you need any help!" Hyunjin said as she walks over to where changbin was sitting and sat next to him (on one of the seat by the kitchen island)

Seungmin then walks in

"Oh hey Seungminnie!" Hyunjin says smiling

Seungmin just waves with a smile before speaking "Jagi, Me and Han are going to the club tomorrow"

Minho paused what she was doing and Hyunjin just sat there mouth open and changbin eating imaginary popcorn

"What.." Minho says

"Jisung said he wanted to have some brotherly time with me" Seungmin replied with a shrug

"Ok.. But at a club?? Really????" Minho turned around to face him with a raised eyebrow and a hand on her hip

"... HAN F$#KING JISUNG ISTG I WILL BEAT UR AS-" Hyunjin yells speed walking to the living room

Seungmin and Minho just stared at each other

".. Can I?" Seungmin asked

"*𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗵* fine.. Only because I trust you and Jisung would probably most likely need to be supervised" Minho replies

"Thanks Jagi" Seungmin says as he grabs her waist and gives her a quick kiss on the lips before walking back to the living room

"..." Minho just stands there, her ears turning red

"Aunty are you ok?" Changbin asks

"Yah! Of course I am just contine whatever you're doing!" She says as she got back to cooking with red ears and cheeks and a smile on her face

I'm SO SORRY for the really late update and also a really short bad chapter in return 😢 I'm not doing well in school unfortunately.. But remember to be healthy and have a great day or night, also R. I. P HAN 😭

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