The Twilight forced you to go on a Walk

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If you are new, hello, my name is Constant_Haze01.

The reason I make these silly little stories is so I can improve my creative writing skills. My school doesn't offer a class like that so I wanted to improve somewhere.

I'm only on Wattpad as of right now and I am too busy to be anywhere else but maybe when I have the time I could be on sites like AO3.

Anyways, enjoy!!


My early morning day went on as it usually does. I wait around for my food and while I do that I clean my room. Once the food gets here I sit on the floor at my coffee table and eat.

When I finish, I neatly stack my dishes and slide it down the disposal hatch to wherever the dishes get cleaned. Today is different.

The Handler came into my room some time before lunch and ushered me out of my room. She seemed very tense but I chose not to worry too much because she's a capable lady.

She brought me to a room that seemed to have been used, probably for other tests like this. She sat me down and placed a packet in front my face, blank side facing up. I looked back at her and she said, "You have 30 minutes."

With that she left.

Unlike many others, I wasn't sweating profusely. As I flipped the paper over, I knew exactly what to do. The first page on the front and back side were just math equations. Not simple, far from it. However, I knew how to do them.

The second page was something different. I never learned about biofuels in my two years of being here. That is exactly what this was. It was weird though, because I remember that when I was at the bad place, they talked about this sort of thing in secrecy. I came to the conclusion midway through this test that they were probably trying to get some intel about the organization that took us. I looked at the the wall where the one way mirror would be and then look back just as quickly.

I scribbled down the answers and continued to the backside of the second page. At this point, I was probably five to ten minutes in. Which is not a problem because I had twenty minutes left and full confidence that I'm right.

The backside was much more difficult. This was written in Old English. Here's the thing. I overheard a LOT of Old English. That is the language they would use to discuss things like threats and the girls they took. I could infer what they're saying, sure, however I was never taught how to speak or read or write or even lieten to Old English. I only knew what scarce words the older girls knew and what one of the doctors taught me. The doctor wasn't there for long.

I pursed my lips and glanced at the one way mirror. If I looked extremely hard at the glass, I could see The Handler with her arms crossed. There was another person though. A man. He seemed about a foot taller than Handler and he also had his arms crossed. If I could infer, I would think that the man was Twilight.

If that really was Twilight, I couldn't freeze up now. I thought hard about whst these words are, most of them I could barely remember, though my brain really tried to keep those awful memories from bubbling up. It was hard but I was so close to finishing this test that I had to perservere.

I finished the page and I continued with the Old English until I was completely done. I flipped the paper and leaned back in my chair. I looked at the wall and signaled for them to come in.

As the door open, of course Handler walked in with all her glory. Behind her, however, was none other than the preordered dilf himself, Twilight. I would be lying if I said he wasn't handsome. He is a beautiful man. He held a sort of stoicism that no one else can have. He looked at me with a sort of endearment and said, "Well done, y/n. Fastest I've seen all day. Now we're going to take a look at the paper and see if your intellect is as quick as your eyes."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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