Chapter 2: An Eventful First Day

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🪐N͓̽o͓̽v͓̽a͓̽'s͓̽ P͓̽O͓̽V͓̽🪐
We made our way to the courtyard 3 minutes before the welcoming ceremony begins. Mika seemed to be bouncing with energy and Asta was looking around. We waited for the welcoming ceremony to begin and I noticed 2 boys seemed to have a fight. I was bored so I just spaced out a little. After a few seconds later the headmaster's voice came on from the mic and we all got to see the headmaster herself. She then spoke into the mic saying "Welcome students to Celestial Stars Academy or the CSA. Students, we are grateful that you chose a prestigious school but we have rules that you must follow. Rule Number 1, You must always have your Student Profile Cards or your SPC to enter campus, if you are caught sneaking in without your Student Profile Cards by the robots patrolling on campus, you will be severely punished but since today is the first day we will make an exception to this rule. Rule Number 2, you must always be on time to your classes, if you are even 1 minute late your will be punished. Rule Number 3 the robots at the CSA are not to be messed around with, otherwise you will be forced to repair the robots. Finally Rule Number 4, you are prohibited from entering any forbidden areas such as the teacher's lounge, the shadow section in the library, and the eclipse clock tower. If you are caught in those areas you will be severely punished. Please abide by these rules and you won't be facing serious consequences. Now we are going to do the tour of the campus and I will put you all in groups. I hope you all have a very exciting school year." With that she started calling people and putting them in groups. Me, Mika, and Asta were all called and we were grouped with the 2 boys that  fought each other along with 3 other girls. Then 1 of the teachers walked to us and we started our tour. We saw our home room and one of the girls that looked very formal stepped up and introduced herself. "My name is Columba and it is a pleasure to meet you." The girl that Mika saw try to sneak in introduced herself as well. "YELLO HOOMANS!! My name's Hydra." One of the boys looked annoyed when Hydra said that and the other boy introduced himself and the other boy "My name is Perseus and the other boy is Orion." Asta looked like she thought they were brothers but they looked nothing alike. Meanwhile, Mika was distracted by something and was not paying attention. I asked the two boys "Are you both brothers or are you guys friends?" Perseus looked annoyed when I said that and he replied "What makes you think that we are brothers? We met each other in kindergarten." The last girl mumbled to herself but I heard it while the others were talking about something else "So this is the group of people who will help me? They remind me a lot like my sisters.." She then said to the group "Nice to meet you all, I am Vega." We all chatted until the teacher that was with our group said "The tour has ended please head to your homeroom." After saying that they walked away and we all headed to our homeroom. A few minutes later we arrived at our homeroom and we sat in our assigned seating. I got lucky with my seat which was in the back along with Asta who was on my right and one of the windows on my left. Mika was in front of me and Asta with Vega in the same row. Columba was in the front along with Hydra, who seemed to not like her spot and Asta wasn't as lucky as me due to her having Orion on her right. Perseus was in front of Orion and we were all waiting for the teacher to arrive. What felt like 5 minutes, the teacher walked in and immediately greeted us. They then proceeded to tell us our schedule and that we had to head to each of our different classes. Unfortunately, our first class was history, which is with our homeroom teacher. Personally, I don't like history due to the fact that it is boring. Columba seemed to like it and Asta passed a note while the teacher was rambling on about the importance of history or something. On the note it said "What are you doing after school?" I wrote back on the note saying "Not much. Mika has baton twirling practice but yeah that's pretty much it." After writing I passed the note back to Asta. Asta read and then the teacher finally got on with the lesson. They started with "In the beginning there was no life.." I wasn't really paying attention and I just slept for the whole period. The bell rang and we made our way to the second period. The whole day went by without any shenanigans apart from Hydra's antics but yeah. We all went our separate ways and me and Mika headed to Mika's baton practice. We walked for a few minutes before we eventually arrived and Mika went to the bathroom to change into more suitable clothing for her practice. I went to one of the bleachers and I sat down after Mika got changed. Mika went to join the group for practice and I was just watching her do practice. After a few minutes of me watching Mika practice I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Asta right there. Asta said "So this is where Mika has baton practice?" I nodded and replied "Yeah. Sometimes she has to do a performance in front of a judge and an audience." Asta and I chatted until the end of Mika's baton practice to which Mika had to remind me that we had to go. Me and Mika said goodbye to Asta and we headed home. When we got home Mika scanned her keycard to let us in and we finished our homework, made dinner, got ready for bed and we watched tv until 9:00 to which we headed to our rooms and went to bed. I just hope that nothing too chaotic will happen...

Story from the Star Sovereigns Book 1: A Sovereign's WishWhere stories live. Discover now