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I wake up to sunshine bursting through my curtains and wind blowing hair into my face. I open my eyes and look to my window; its still open from Grayson's departure last night. You probably want to know what happened after my phone call with Lee right? Nothing special. Grayson and I texted all evening, I got told off for texting at the dinner table and Ethan didn't attempt to contact me once- he didn't even call the house phone (which he knows Chase always answers) and tried to get Chase to apologise to me on his behalf like he's done plenty of times before. Whatever. I'm not fussed by it. I think he's expecting me to text or call to apologise but that will never happen. I didn't even do anything wrong.

"Get up buttbreath" Chase says running into my room and flopping onto my bed beside me. I grab him and pin him down smothering him in kisses just because I know how much he hates it. He's at that age where he doesn't want any kind of affection from anyone. Not even his buttbreath of a sister. "Get off me! Stop it!" he complains as I burst out laughing and let go of him. He sits up on my bed and looks at me confused.

"What you looking at ugly?" I laugh.

"You have a green face" He states. He grabs my arm and drags me out of the bed so that I'm left in a heap on the floor, flopping like a fish out of water. "Look" He says as he stands next to the mirror. I do as he says and stare at my swollen bruised cheek in the mirror. That hit must have been harder than I thought. "What happened to you?" He laughs.

"Nothing Chase. Don't tell mom okay?" I beg. One of the things I love about my little brother is that if you ask him to keep a secret then he'll guard it with his life.

"Okay Tara." He winks as if to ensure me that my secret is safe with him. "That reminds me of Billy Few's face when Dave Trunt beat him up in the school playground. He had it for weeks" He exclaims.

"Well I didn't get beat up. Some boy hit me in the face with his locker at school yesterday. That's why I stayed in my room all day yesterday"

"I knew you weren't studying! I heard you talking to someone. Ethan was here wasn't he?" Oh crap.

"Yeah" I lie. Why has it got so easy and so second nature to lie to everyone I care about?

"I won't tell" He smirks. "Get ready. You're taking me to school today. Mom's gone to work early today and Dad's about to leave" He tells me as he walks out my room. For an 11 year old hes pretty mature; despite the terrible insults and strange nicknames he gives out.

"Thanks dork" I call after him.

I walk over to my wardrobe and open the doors. I look at myself in the mirror attached to the inside of the door. Everyone knows about the woods situation by now. Gossip does spread like wildfire after all. They may as well see why I did it. I shrug it off and look at my neatly hung up clothes that are all organised into colours and type of clothing item. I pull out some pink tie dye shorts from years ago and pull them on praying that they still fit. Success. I'll admit they're a bit shorter than I'd hoped but they still cover everything so they do the job intended. Luckily my school isn't too worried about dress code- if it covers your bits then do up your zip- that's the school's idea about uniform. They're basically saying to wear anything so long as your private parts are covered. I also pull out a white lacy top and throw that on too. I grab my white, leather flip flops and slide my feet into them. I check my appearance one more time as I brush my brown locks so that the natural curls cascade down my back. I grab my sun glasses for the car and head down stairs; rucksack on shoulder.

I race down the stairs to see Chase sat at the table eating a bowl of cereal whilst sat next to another full bowl.

"I made you breakfast" He smiles, his eyes lighting up. I drop my bag, put my sunglasses on my head and sit down next to him.

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