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"Yo" I hear Grayson say as he brings his tray of food towards the table that Cailin and I are sat at. Cailin eats a salad, still reading her book whilst I tuck into a massive slice of pizza. I look up at him confused. He never sits with us.

"Hey" I say as Cailin looks up and nudges me in the ribs. Yes I know it's Grayson, chill. "Trade with me" I groan looking at his plate. He's got a cheeseburger which is my absolute fave.

"How about no" He laughs taking a massive bite out of the delicious goodness. My school actually has edible food that is delicious- you jealous yet?

"Please manpig" I groan.

"Fine babe" He says accidentally and then goes wide eyed.

"It's fine. She told me. I forced her to" Cailin says not looking up from her book. Grayson looks to me and shrugs. She is my friend after all. He holds his food out to me and I immediately take a bite from it. "Get a room you two" she laughs.

"Shut up yeah?" I laugh.

"Maybe we will" Grayson smirks.

"Maybe we will what?" Ethan says sitting down next to his twin.

"I was just telling Cailin how we could hang out some time. You and your dog can come too if you want" Grayson covers quickly. Dog? Wow thanks. I look to Cailin as she looks confusedly at me. I shrug; it's part of the act.

"She has a name you know" Cailin speaks up.

"Sorry, I meant Tara" He smiles patronisingly.

"Yeah we should hang out though" She smiles. "I'm sorry to put you down but you aren't my type. I don't go for guys who are rude to my friends and hook up with every girl they see"

"Ouch bro" Ethan laughs. He knows that Grayson doesn't hook up with every girl he sees- just his brother's best friend- but he doesn't know that.

"Whatever. I'm going" Grayson says getting up.

"I should probably go too. I have to see my English teacher about an extra curricular project that's got to be handed in tomorrow" I tell my two remaining friends. They nod and I stand up following the direction that Grayson just disappeared into. Soon enough I see Grayson rummaging around in his locker. I walk over and stand so the door is hiding me from his view. "Never seen a girl turn you down before?" I say trying not to laugh.

"It's not funny"

"It kinda is. She called you out on it and you don't like it."

"I don't care what she thinks of me. I care what you think of me. That's it."

"Well you know that I don't think those things of you" I assure him. "She was just covering up your major flirting"

"I wasn't even flirting that much"

"You kinda were babe" I laugh.

"Fine." He says slamming her locker shut. "But we will get a room. I want to take you out today. I know I said Sunday but we can do that too"

"Actually Gray, I can't do today"

"After football practice obviously" He adds.

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"I'm going to the mall" I tell him. Not a lie, just not the whole truth.

"With who?"

"Cailin" Okay maybe that was a small white lie. I can't tell him because he'll flip out.

"No you aren't" He tells me. "She's studying with Ethan today. We both know that." Crap. I forgot that I set up a study date for them like 2 weeks ago.

Breaking Point ~ e.d + g.dWhere stories live. Discover now