Anton and others were confused. He and Ellena walked towards the door and opened it. They were shocked, frozen, and couldn't believe what they saw. Zava asked them what they saw, but they didn't answer. Anton immediately held Ellena's hand.
"Depulso Maxima!" They casted synchronously.
Zava, Salsa, Nuel and Jeslyn just saw a big white flash come out from Anton and Ellena's wand. Zava instinctively They immediately approached them and saw two Hooded Figures trying to stand up from that cast before.
"We'll hold them! Go help the other students!" yelled Anton.
"Bring them to the front carts! And keep holding hands! continued Ellena without looked at them
Zava, Nuel, Salsa, and Jeslyn understood. They rushed to Gryffindor's Coach. All of the Gryffindor students stood still in front of their compartments confusedly. One of them asked Zava and the other.
"What happened there?"
"Don't have time to explain it! Go to the first coach! ALL OF YOU!" told Jeslyn with panic on her face. Without any hesitation all of the Gryffindor students were running away from their cart. They continued to Slytherin's Coach far from their expectation, all of the Slytherin Students followed what they asked cooperatively.
"Wait, how about the Hufflepuff students? they were stuck at the end of the train," asked Nuel panickedly and made everyone stop.
All of them were immediately stunned and looked at each other confusedly. They felt like they heard something but there was nothing around them. "What just happened?" asked Nuel scared. A voice continued to echo inside their head.
"Guys, it's me, Anton. Me and Ellena used a telepathy spell."
"You guys don't have to worry. Hufflepuff Students are fine. We put a protection spell on their coach," continued Ellena with a calmer voice.
"The Hooded Figures fled too, we are fine, for now..." continued Anton with a soothing voice.
"We are coming to you," continued Anton.
Anton and Ellena rushed towards us. Jeslyn and Salsa immediately hugged Ellena concernedly, she hugged them back. When they were about to walk back to the first coach, The Hooded Figures came back. They began to panic and confused what they had to do next. The Hooded Figures started attacking them continuously. Anton and Ellena were protecting them with shield charm, they know that it will not last long.
With panic, salsa looked up and pointed. There was a trapdoor on the ceiling. Zava immediately casted Alohomora and Accio for bringing the ladder down. The shield charm broke. All of them immediately rushed to climb the ladder.
On the top of the train. The wind gushed their house robes. The bright full moon fills the sky with stars around them. Some of the stars were in the shape of a constellation. The wind rushed.
Huge explosion happened in the distance as soon as they reached the rooftop of the train. They can even feel the heat of the explosion. They were scared, confused and panicked. Suddenly the train picked up a speed. Out of nowhere Jeslyn saw a black smoke flew from the cab of the train to the top of the Gryffindor coach. It was the hooded figure that attacked them in Hospital Wings followed by three other Hooded Figures using apparition spell on their back
"Well... well.... we meet again mud-blood..." said The Hooded Figure scornfully.
Zava held Salsa's hand, so do Nuel held Jesslyn's hand and Anton held Ellena's hand.
"Now, you don't have your guardian anymore. WHY? CAUSE SHE DEAD!!"
Zava's leg trembled when heard that. Anger in his eyes. They knew what they were referring to the Guardian was. Salsa tried to calm him down but he raised his wand and pointed at them, The Hooded Figures. The Hooded Figure leader laughed sinisterly
Six Muggles and The Last Train to Hogwarts [COMPLETE]
FanfictionFour months after Anton, Ellena, Jeslyn, Nuel, and Salsa cured Zava from his ancient dark magic that possessed him for months. The rumour of them were spreading to all of Hogwarts. Zava and Salsa gave each other space, so do Jeslyn and Nuel. That le...