Chapter 8

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Jieun stared daggers at the two figures who totally ignored her presence.

firstly who was the pregnant male? and secondly why is he so close to jungkook?

"Jungkook rubs his hands on taehyung's back gently. calming the male down. taehyung was having one of his attacks again.

"you okay tae? Jungkook asked as he grabbed the water bottle from his desk and placed it on taehyung's lips.

Mm hm" taehyung signed as he sips the water before staring back at jungkook and pouted.

"jungkook chuckled before flicking his chin. Hey stop" taehyung whined and glared at jungkook jokingly.

it's lunch time. have you had lunch? jungkook asked and taehyung shook his head.

wanted to have it here. taehyung mumbled making jungkook smile. Okay why don't you start eating while I finish up some work. Hm" jungkook says.

Nooo" I brought lunch for you too. taehyung whined making jungkook smile. okay let's eat then. jungkook says and taehyung nodded.

Jieun gritted her teeth staring at the duo who just completely forgot her presence.

Jungkookiee " why don't we go have lunch together. Jieun spoke up as she walked up to them and stood in front of jungkook while smiling shyly at him.

huh? what are you doing here? I thought the meeting is over? Jungkook says making jieun smile to fall off.

O-Oh actually I came to have lunch with you. I'm Jieun by the way. we met few months ago at japan ?when you came for a business meeting.

"uh" yea I remember you but I don't see why you want to have lunch with me. my lunch is already here. Jungkook says as he's becoming irritated with her presence already.

well I wanted to discuss a business deal with you. Since you showed up late to the meeting I wasn't able to explain it at the meeting.

"Jungkook sigh. look  Jun- it's jieun" she cut jungkook off. huh? jungkook asked confused making taehyung giggle quietly.

my name is jieun not jun. jieun says with clenched jaw. as she glared at taehyung who's still giggling.

oh right " jieun. meeting is over already besides I'm not partner with you but with your dad. so if your dad has any suggestions let him wait till the next meeting.

as of now please excuse me. Jungkook says and turning his attention back to taehyung.

it's not like jungkook wanted to be rude to jieun. no. he already knows her intentions towards him because this was not her first try. and jungkook knew his stepdad was the one behind her delusion.

Jieun was pissed that jungkook plainly rejected her lunch offer and on top of that he did it in front of a low life male who she find gorgeous by the way. but her ego was crushed and she wouldn't just let it slip.

"Since jungkook wants it the hard way. then she has no choice but to play dirty. Jungkook shouldn't have rejected her.

she glared at them one last time before storming out of the office room.

Hm...." this chicken tastes so good. Jungkook mumble as he ate a piece of fried chicken. taehyung smiled as he ate his rice while rubbing his belly gently.

"what happened? jungkook asked as he saw the discomfort on taehyung's face.

no-nothing. taehyung says while taking a bite of his chicken but flinch and placed his hand on his belly.

"tae? what's wrong " you don't look okay. Jungkook says as he put down his chopsticks and looks at taehyung worriedly.

hu-hurts " taehyung says. rubbing his baby bump gently.

"where is it hurting? your tummy? jungkook asked and taehyung nodded.

Kic-kicking. it's kicking. taehyung says making jungkook wide his eyes. o-oh really? jungkook says as he stared at taehyung's clothed bump.

taehyung nodded his head as a yes. jungkook gently rubs taehyung's back gently trying to calm his sore and tense muscles.

why don't you take a little nap for a while Hm"?

taehyung shook his head. I can't Jeonie " I'm at work. what will other employees says when there don't find me in my cubicle?

"why do you care about what there thinks. besides I'm your boss so shut up and lie down.

taehyung pouted but comply. Jungkook covered taehyung's unfinished lunch and helped the male lie down on his back by supporting it with the couch pillows.

he caresses his head gently as taehyung fought to be awake but eventually fell asleep.

Jungkook sighed as he stared at taehyung's beautiful face for a while before finishing his lunch and went back to working.
"later that evening. Yoongi   drove taehyung and Jimin home after work.

although the ride was awkward because of Jimin and yoongi glaring at each other.

Jungkook wasn't able to take them home because he had to go back to the hospital. for an emergency.

When there walked inside
"taehyung was surprised to see his mom has come to Seoul to visit him and Jimin.

"Mama" taehyung muttered as he hugs his mother whom returned the hug smiling wildly at her son.

My baby " Mrs kim says as she held taehyung gently.

good evening eomma " Jimin says. as he hugs Mrs Kim as well.

Mrs Kim smiles as she returns the hug. how's work?

Mrs kim asked as she lead taehyung to the couch.

it's good but I've been sleeping all day as I was feeling a little bit sick. but jungkook took good care of me. so I feel a little bit better now taehyung mumbles making Mrs Kim and Jimin to stare at him in worry.

how are you feeling right now? still feeling sick? Mrs Kim asked as Jimin walked into the kitchen to prepare dinner for them.

"Feel better but a little bit weak and tired. taehyung says tiredly.

"you don't need to worry again because I'm here to take care of you till you give birth. Mrs Kim says as she smiles at her son.

"taehyung sighed softly and smiles back at his mother.

I'm going to freshen up now ma. I feel tired and sweaty. taehyung says as he got up and supported his waist with his one hand and placed the other on his baby bump. as he walks up the stairs.

"mrs Kim sigh as she watch her son disappear into one of the rooms.

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