Part 1 Welcome to snowy

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"Work harder useless!"
B felt a sharp jab go into her side. She's felt worse. Like when her mom got sick,when her sister went missing for two days,and when her father...
Another jab made her come back from her terrible thoughts. She mined in the cave along with the other workers searching for silver. B looked at the faces of her crew mates,the dirt bathing them,the skin thinning to show there ribs.
She turned back to her work until she saw it. A glimmer in the dirt. She got up and cheered almost knocking over the guards in delight. The other miners gatherd around and the guards went to their quarters for now they could go home until the next mining day. After the guards left and the buckets were full of sliver they coverd up for the rest of the patch with dirt so next time they could go home even more early. B thought of her friend Henry in one of the other silver caves today. They had the same schedule just sometimes not in the same places. All the 80,000 people in snowy had schedules mostly different but sometimes the same. B looked at her schedule in her pocket. It read
"B white
"Wednesday-Shipping factory,
B smiled happy that she could finally have a break to spend with her sick mom,and her chef sister. She could also go hunting to! Sure it was forbidden to but if they didn't the whole city of snowy would starve. For she was the only one that had the wits to while her best friend herny stole from governments weaponry. He worked there for money on saterdays but the guards never paid attention. So him and his building skills helped him open up his own shop in the under ground secret market. If it wernt for him she would never have her cross bow. She owned a store as well down there. Well her and her sister. They sold all the food in snowy besides the out raged prices of the governments shops above ground.
B gatherd up her things and waited for Henry. When he arrived they began the walk home.
The city's building were beautiful but if you messed them up with even just a dirt smudge the government would find you and execute you,along with everything else in the huge rule book.
"Work suck to?" Henry asked.
"Since when has it not on mine days?" B answered.
They laughed.
B looked at the gates of the city as tall as 300 feet. Barbe wire coverd them on the top with uneven cement blocks below.
B turned to see that Henry had ripped off a poster of president cliff that said "Be someone or no one."
3 years ago when B was only 13 she had asked"What do you think to be in one of those cities where you fit in? With preps or in another nerds."
Henry looked at her only 15 at the time. "I rather not fit in,because if I did," he smiled. "I would never be special."

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