Chapter 4

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*2nd Year*

When Mariya arrived at the train station for her second year at Hogwarts, not much had changed. Her black hair was in a messy bun rather than braids, but she was still smartly dressed and her silver-blue eyes still scanned the platform for anyone she knew. Like the previous year, her parents hadn't been able to make it, and so she was standing alone yet again. She saw Peter with his parents and James standing in his mother's embrace, nothing had changed with them. She dragged her trunk onto the train and walked through multiple carriages until she found Remus in the last compartment. He had his nose buried in his book and a few new scars stretched across his nose, but his hazel eyes still lit up when he saw her and he dropped his book to hug her when she walked into the compartment. Pulling back, Mariya removed a book from her bag and the two sat in companionable silence until James Potter and Sirius Black came barging in and yelled in excitement at seeing their friend again.

Both bookworms jumped as James shouted, "Remus. We missed you!" and pulled the boy into a hug that he did not look prepared for. Sirius quickly piled himself on top of the two and Remus cast Mariya a 'Get me out of here' look over James's shoulder. The girl just shrugged and smiled as she moved over to allow Peter - who had entered with a far lower volume level - to sit beside her. He took the seat gratefully and cast her a grin that showed he was just as excited as the other boys even if he didn't feel the need to express it quite so violently.

Once James and Sirius got over their initial dramatic entrance they sat down, Sirius beside Remus and James in between Peter and Mariya who he seemed to have only just noticed.

"Seratova." He said coldly.

"Potter." Mariya responded and offered him a smile which he proceeded to ignore.

Appreciating that she was no longer really welcome, Mariya said "Well, I will see you tomorrow Remus." And stood to leave.

"You don't have to-" Remus began, but stopped and sighed when both Mariya and James shot him a look. "See you tomorrow, then."

Mariya gave him a reassuring smile before she left the compartment to find somewhere else to sit, somewhere that she was welcome, somewhere that didn't contain James Potter.

Mariya frowned as she glanced into one compartment to see only a young boy sitting inside. He was clearly a first year as his robes were not any particular colours yet. His pale grey eyes met hers as she slid open the door and entered the compartment, sitting down across from him.

She gave him a bright smile and offered him her hand, "I am Mariya, Mariya Seratova."

The boy took her hand as he spoke, "Regulus Black."

Mariya was surprised, not having known that Sirius had a brother, which this boy clearly was with the same black hair and matching grey eyes.

Deciding not to mention his elder brother she spoke again, "Is there any particular reason you are sitting alone, Regulus?"

He shrugged, "I didn't want to listen to the other purebloods say horrible things to the other first years just because they want to be in other houses or aren't pureblood. And Sirius told me that he didn't want me to sit with him and his friends, he thinks it will spoil my chances with the other Slytherins."

Mariya nodded in understanding, "Being in Slytherin is like playing a part, Regulus." The boy frowned slightly in confusion. "You act like one of them, you don't oppose their views but you try not to outright agree with them if you can help it. There is nothing wrong with Slytherin as a house but the people in it have been twisted by the beliefs others have of them and they have forgotten the incredible traits Salazar wished us to have."

The boy nodded in understanding before frowning slightly, "Why are you sitting here with me, Mariya?"

"I am not very good friends with most Slytherins. In fact, my best friends are Gryffindors. But their other friends don't like Slytherins so I can't always sit with them. I don't mind, this way I can read in peace or find new people to sit with, like you."

A small crease remained between Regulus eyebrows, "I am worried I won't get into Slytherin and I don't want to end up like Sirius if I am not."

Mariya smiled slightly, "Trust me Regulus you won't have any problem getting into Slytherin and, when you do, you already have one friend waiting for you there."

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