Chapter 9

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*5th Year*

Mariya felt her black trench coat flutter around her legs as she stood waiting for the train. She didn't really want to climb aboard in the knowledge that Regulus would not be able to sit with her and Remus would be far too busy with his others friends. She would be alone yet again, just as she was in the station. In a way she was glad her parents were so involved in the war effort that they had been unavailable to drop her off, but on the other hand she wished they had been able to make at least one September the 1st in her whole time at Hogwarts. Her hair drifted around her face, which was currently devoid of glasses as that was one of the rare occasions when she was wearing contacts. She wandered through the crowds of parents who still worried about the same things they had worried about during her first year. However, this year their warnings were more fervent as the war was getting worse and doubtless this would be the last time some of the students ever saw their parents again.

She caught a glimpse of the Potter family and locked eyes briefly with James's mother. The woman turned to her son as she asked, "Who is that girl, James?"

James turned around to see who his mother was looking at, as he saw Mariya his features hardened slightly. "Oh, that's Seratova." Catching himself slightly he realised that his parents were not really looking for a last name, "Mariya Seratova."

Mariya saw his father frown slightly as he considered where he had heard the name before, a few moments later his face broke into a smile as he worked it out, "Is she Petro Seratov's daughter?" James shrugged slightly looking confused as to who his father was talking about, "He works in the Ministry of Magic though he comes from Ukraine originally and his wife is Spanish I believe. They are a lovely couple and I have only ever heard good things of his daughter."

James nodded, "That would make sense as she has been teaching Remus both Ukrainian and Spanish since first year."

Euphemia smiled at her son and, either not seeing or deciding to ignore, his expression of disguised irritation, asked, "Why don't you ask her to stand with us James. She doesn't appear to be here with anyone."

Though James clearly didn't want to do as his mother asked he realised that he could hardly refuse without being asked what was wrong with the request and, no doubt, his parents would disagree with him disliking her purely because of her house. So, he walked over to her and Mariya carefully tilted her head to make it less obvious that she was listening to their conversation.

He tapped her on the shoulder and cleared his throat, "Seratova, my parents have asked that you wait with us until you are ready to board the train. Unfortunately I cannot really say 'no' to them and so here I am asking you."

Enjoying the look of discomfort that was written across the boy's face, Mariya deliberated for a few moments before formulating her answer, "As much as I would like to, I intend to enter the train in a few seconds and would not wish to impose upon your family no matter how kind the offer." She allowed him a few moments of relief before adding, "You may thank you father for his kind words regarding both my parents and myself."

With this she turned and began to climb the steps to the train. At first James looked baffled by the extension to her answer and then his expression changed to anger as he realised that she had been listening to their conversation. Moving back towards his parents he told them only the first part of what she had said, still visibly infuriated by her nosiness.

Mariya remembered, having boarded the train, that she did not need to worry too much about being alone for the whole journey. Attached to her robes, which were neatly folded in her trunk, shone a small piece of metal that labelled her as Quidditch Captain for Slytherin. Mariya hadn't believed the news at first, in fact she had been so sure it was a prank that she had had her mother authenticate both the letter and the badge before she told her father the news. He had been just as, if not more, excited about it as she was and had hugged for at least five minutes before allowing her to leave his office. Slytherin hadn't let girls play for a least a century, so nobody had any idea when the last female captain was, never mind being able to tell Mariya her name. Mariya had her suspicions that it was not the last captain who had chosen her as he had always despised her for being a girl and still managing to get on to the team each year. By extension, she was fairly sure that Professor Slughorn must have put in a good word to Dumbledore for her to ensure she gained the position she most certainly deserved.

This badge meant that she was supposed to leave her compartment when the train set off in order to meet with all the prefects, the head boy and head girl,, as well as the other Quidditch Captains. So, when she felt the train begin to move, Mariya pushed her trunk into an overhead rack and began to stroll down the train, doing her best to avoid being swept up in the crowd of last minute students making their way to the opposite end of the train.

James Potter had just about gotten over his irritation towards Seratova and was starting to feel a lot more smug. He was sitting in the prefect compartment, a scarlet badge shining on his chest, and there was no sign of the girl yet. Admittedly, not everyone had arrived but James felt sure that she could not have been given the position.

He was practically wallowing in his victory, when the door slid open and someone appeared. James felt his mood promptly deflate as he realised that Seratova was wearing a badge identical to his in everything but colour, and sulked slightly in knowing that him getting the badge wasn't quite so impressive anymore, he wasn't even the youngest Captain there.

In fairness, James was bitter as much about Mariya as about the loss of the cup for the second year in a row. Though Slytherin had won all of their games, Ravenclaw had only just beaten both Gryffindor and Slytherin on goal difference, proving that their incredible chasers made up for their less than impressive seeker.

The meeting lasted for almost the entire journey and, when they were dismissed, Mariya slipped out of the carriage as fast as she could, beginning to stride down the corridor towards the compartment where she had left her luggage. When she arrived, she found that it had been populated in her absence, now containing the two Marauders who had not been given positions that year. Remus had been chosen as the Gryffindor male prefect for their year - with Lily Evans as his partner - and James was the Quidditch Captain for the same house.

Sirius was lying on one seat and appeared to be taking a nap whilst Peter was steadily making his way through a pile of chocolate he had presumable bought from the trolley lady. When Mariya slid open the door, both boys looked up at her, proving that Sirius was not really asleep.

He proved this further by speaking, "Mariya Seratova, to what do we owe the pleasure?"

Mariya raised an eyebrow at the formal way he spoke, "I came to retrieve my trunk so I could find a book to read for the rest of the journey."

Sirius nodded as best he could whilst remaining horizontal and Mariya climbed onto the seat he was lying on in order to reach her luggage. Collecting a book from the trunk, she jumped down and left the compartment, being careful to properly close the door behind her.

She didn't see James hold back Remus in an attempt to avoid her. She didn't see the years of irritation that had built up until he genuinely hated her. She didn't know how the praise she had received from his parents had annoyed him.

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