We'll Be Fine {Dadzawa}

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In regard to his often neglected health, Aizawa had paid for his stubbornness countless of times. He'd gotten the migraines, the injuries, scars, and stories to show for that fact. Even then it didn't matter. Since apparently, he'd never gotten the message of taking care of himself, nor had he understood the concept of going to people when need be.

Or maybe he was wrong, he had gotten it. And frankly, it wasn't that he hadn't gotten the message. Maybe it was just that it'd never happened to stick. Yeah, that'd probably be more accurate. It wasn't that he hadn't received the message it was that it just hadn't stuck.

He won't have to worry about that anymore though. Something in Shōta thinks it will this time, he thinks it'll stick for a good long while.


In hindsight, either the sudden exhaustion that'd seeped into his veins, hollowing him out entirely, or the head-splitting migraine had been a warning in themselves. He should've taken heed of them, should've realized it was his body alerting him something wasn't right. And perhaps if had he been just a little smarter and more sensible then he would've gone to Recovery Girl at the first notice of them. He hadn't done so no matter how much he wishes he had.

Shōta isn't certain why he hadn't. At the time as far as he'd been concerned he'd had it all covered, he could take care of himself and his ever-waning health just fine. After all, neither the exhaustion nor the migraine were anything he hadn't dealt with before. They definitely weren't an unknown concept for him given his practically non-existent sleep schedule either.

And maybe it was that very hardheadedness that allowed him to make such a blunder today, that had him fucking up the way he had.

It at first hadn't occurred to him when such symptoms had started, he hadn't put two and two together. Hadn't seen the correlation of his ailments and the timing.

Looking back on it now though with the information he'd now gathered, he can pinpoint the exact moment his symptoms had started up. It'd started over what had supposed to be such a slight task, he'd been escorting Midoriya off of campus and into public, it wasn't that he didn't think the problem child to be capable of doing it himself. It was simply a protective policy, a precaution, put in place for the student's sake. They could never be too careful on this matter, and could never send students out into the open alone with how UA seemed to be a target for everyone lately. There was too much at stake to send the students out alone.

And as much as he wished it wasn't that way, for as much as he wished these students could have an ounce of freedom beyond the doors of UA, he knew it wasn't like that. That unfortunately they weren't at that point just yet.

That very mistrust he held for the people flickered brightly at him the second he and Midoriya had been ambushed by a swarm of reporters. They narrowed in on him and the problem child, assaulting Izuku with a series of questions. Hoping to get an ounce of information about UA out of the boy. His kid never cracked, however, because of course, Midoriya didn't. Yet the greenette wasn't entirely unaffected by the apparent interrogation either, he was certain of Aizawa-sensei that. Could tell by the way that Midoriya's eyes darted about nervously, shoulders tensing, the kid's own arms curling around the boy in reassurance.

And so Shōta had all but snarled at the crowd, barring his teeth threateningly as he shoved Midoriya behind him, tucking the kid away protectively, and then they were attempting to slink through the gate before any more could happen. It didn't happen that way because just as Shōta's hands has grasped the gate, hurrying Midoriya along, he had felt a strong grasp envelop his wrist. As a result, that very person's blunt nails had dug themselves into his skin. With enough pressure for little crescent marks to appear on his pale skin. It wasn't painful, not exactly, more so unexpected. At the unexpectedness of it, his darkened eyes quickly skimmed the face of the woman who'd grabbed ahold of him. And not a second after was he wrenching his wrist away. Turning to Midoriya and hurrying the kid through the UA gates.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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